Spring 2019 。 Ric Huang


  1. 在開源的世界,取之於社會、就要用之於社會,希望大家未來都能參與開源社群的貢獻!
    • 今天除了教一個開源的專案 Bottender 之外,也會邀請到 Bottender 的兩位原作者現身說法,跟大家分享他們打造這個開源專案的心得!
  2. 當今的許多 web applications 都會使用到一些大平台的 APIs, 以提供更多元的服務,或者是取其社群的資源,像是 Google Map, Facebook Messenger, etc. 今天另外一個目的就是要教大家如何善加利用第三方的服務,讓你的 web app 有更寬廣的應用場域!

Introduction to Bottender

What is a "chatbot"?

Your Very First Chatbot

npm install -g bottender
bottender init
  • cd to your bot project directory, and type "npm run dev"
  • Talk to your bot!!
  • Modify the code in index.js

Create more bot responses

  • Change the code in "src/index.js"

  • Understand "regular expression"

  • Learn/Use "Natural Language Understanding (NLU)" APIs

Regular Expression (wiki)

  • A regular expression, regex or regexp (sometimes called a rational expression) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Usually such patterns are used by string searching algorithms for "find" or "find and replace" operations on strings, or for input validation. It is a technique developed in theoretical computer science and formal language theory.

Regular Expression Basics

.   : matches any single character except \n

*   : matches 0 or more instances of the preceding reg

+   : matches 1 or more instances of the preceding reg exp

?   : matches 0 or 1 of the preceding regular expression

|   : matches the preceding or following reg exp

[ ] : defines a character class  (e.g. [a-zA-Z])

( ) : groups enclosed regular expression into a new reg exp

"…" : matches everything within the " " literally

Regular Expression Examples

* a natural number: e.g. 12345
==> [1-9][0-9]*

* a word: e.g. cat
==> [a-zA-Z]+

* a C/C++ variable: e.g. _name38
==> [_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*

* a (possibly) signed integer: 12345 or -12345
==> [-+]?[1-9][0-9]*

* a floating point number: 1.2345
==> [0-9]*"."[0-9]+

More on Regular Expression

x|y	   x or y

x/y	   x, only if followed by y (y not removed from input)

x{m,n}     m to n occurrences of x

^x	   x, but only at beginning of line

x$	   x, but only at end of line

Meta Characters

  • meta-characters (do not match themselves, because they are used in the preceding reg exps):
    ( ) [ ] { } < > + / , ^ * | . \ " $ ? - %

  • to match a meta-character, prefix with \

  • to match a backslash, tab or newline, use \\, \t, or \n

Regular Expression in Javascript

let re = /pattern/flags;

// or 

let re = new RegExp('pattern', 'flags');

Regular Expression Flags

Regular Expression Methods

Appendix: YOCTOL.AI

That's it!