Try   HackMD

Recap from last class (02/20)

In-Class Practice 01

  • Draw 4 boxes with (w,h) = (150px, 100px), put them in a row separeted with 20px. Color them "orange".
    • How to draw a "box" HTML? Using "div", "span"?

Let's beautify the boxes by making them 立體感

  • Making a "round border"
  • Add "blurred shadow"

Let's make some "animation"

  • First, let's align boxes horizontally on the center of the browser window
  • When mourse hover, make the box "pop-up", while others remain intact
  • Please check: when browser window is resized, the last box(es) is(are) "wrapped" to the next line!

Let's improve the user experience!

  • When window gets smaller, the boxes should get smaller accordingly. (note: use "@media" queries)
  • The boxes should remain in a line. However, when the window gets too small, the boxes should alter to align vertically.
