# Spin public developer meeting Monday, 1:30-2:30 pm PDT Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84135636524?pwd=VTN5a1Zyb3kxcEhkMjFNWGJIcmRVdz09&from=addon ## Monday, June 13th ### Agenda - [template version affinity](https://github.com/fermyon/spin/pull/556) - Ivan summarizing the proposal and complications involved with #556. - Primrarily a concern for template maintainers - Original user issue: https://github.com/fermyon/spin/issues/517 - [Spin state SIP](https://github.com/fermyon/spin/pull/542) - tl;dr Proposal to expose logs and other metadata to the outside world. - Focus is on logs for now as a host feature (i.e. mount wasi file into the component environment) - Future goal is to enable an introspection interface - Spin v0.3 - Includes usability and ergonomic improvments and work to mitigate the ubuntu installation issue - https://github.com/fermyon/spin/issues/498 - https://github.com/fermyon/spin/issues/539 - For linux, statically linking in required version of openssl is happy path - [Component Model](https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/issues/4185) - Traditionally, Spin has dependended on module linking (via use of wit-bindgen), however the latest version of wasmtime doesn't support component linking. Goal is to update to latest version of wit-bingen and wasmtime where module linking is still supported. - Relevant PR: - https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wit-bindgen/pull/239 - As expected, the component model is a breaking change for the spin ecosystem and the spin developers will attempt to adapt as cohesively as possible to minimize the user / developer pain. - "hostage to fortune" - Implementation for wasmtime support of component model is well-underway (landing in next few releases) - [Exciting Go work for Host](https://github.com/Kylebrown9/wit-bindgen/blob/lang-support-docs/docs/langs/GO.md) - Introducing Joel (Fermyon) ## Monday, May 23rd ### Agenda - @ecumene demos [Laundromat](https://github.com/ecumene/laundromat) - CloudEvents in the Spin repository - Cadence of this meeting (Weekly or monthly) - [Clock trigger](https://github.com/fermyon/spin/pull/521) ### Notes - @ecumene demos [Laundromat](https://github.com/ecumene/laundromat) - amazing demo - Action Item: Radu to submit follow up issue to discuss whether Spin should expose certain endpoints (logs, service discovery, etc) - CloudEvents in the Spin repository - Looking at plugin model - Trigger PR for discussion - HTTP webhook PR - not cloud events specific - Action Item: need to take a closer look at this PR - [Clock trigger](https://github.com/fermyon/spin/pull/521) - Action Item: Feedback welcome on SIP - Cadence of this meeting (Weekly or monthly) - Bi-weekly (every other week) - also known as fortnightly ## Monday, May 9th ### Agenda - @brian Spin demo - @lann Present [Trigger Executors SIP](https://github.com/fermyon/spin/blob/main/docs/content/sips/003-trigger-executors.md) - @mossaka Present [CloudEvent Trigger SIP](https://github.com/fermyon/spin/pull/398) - @mossaka Show some cool demos with [containerd spin shim](https://github.com/Mossaka/containerd-wasm-shims) ### Notes - Michelle: introducing the meeting and today's agenda - Brian: demoing the Spin quickstart and new features - https://canary.spin.fermyon.dev