We used to attend college classes, write our notes, and then come home to study again. Traditional methods remain pertinent, but online eLearning systems have revolutionized the way students study in today’s times. Today, we can easily choose what, when, and how we learn, as per our preferences. 85% of students in a recent survey believe that the freedom to study at their own pace is the biggest **[benefit of e-learning](https://www.gudsho.com/blog/benefits-of-e-learning-channel/)**. In this blog, let’s drive through the world of eLearning, uncovering seven exceptional platforms that will fuel your thirst for growth and success. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sy-mILP22.jpg) # **Why Are Online Learning Platforms Important?** # The top eLearning platforms have renovated schooling by crushing obstructions and opening ways to a universe of learning. Now you can learn new things or concepts just by clicking on a webpage. The importance of these platforms lies in the way for them to democratize information, associating students from all countries and enabling them to follow their interests and dreams without limits. **Benefits of Using Elearning Platforms** The advantages of different types of eLearning platforms are as vast as the knowledge they contain. Online courses typically increase information retention rates by 25-60% compared to face-to-face training. Here’s more to why you should jump on board and embrace the future of education: ***Flexibility with the e learning platform*** Say goodbye to rigid schedules and hello to the freedom of learning on your terms. Whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, with online learning platforms, you choose when and where you dive into new knowledge. 74% of learners find the flexibility of online courses more convenient than traditional classroom-based learning, and you can be one of them. ***Limitless Choices*** Imagine stepping into a library of endless possibilities, where you can pick any subject under the sun to learn about. That’s the beauty of these platforms - from arts and humanities to technology and sciences, they’ve got it all! ***Affordability*** No more breaking the bank for education. Reports by the eLearning Industry state that students who take online courses are estimated to save 30-40% on tuition fees compared to standard classroom learning. Online courses often come at a fraction of the cost of traditional education, and you can save even more by avoiding commuting and accommodation expenses. ***Supercharge Your Skills*** Want to sharpen your existing skills or explore new ones? Online learning platforms offer specialized courses that can give you the edge you need in your career or personal endeavors. ***Global Learning Community*** The world becomes your classroom, and fellow learners from diverse backgrounds become your study buddies with an e learning platform. 80% of online learners report interacting with peers from different cultural backgrounds, enriching their learning experience. Now you can connect, collaborate, and learn from one another, enriching your understanding of the world. # **Choose the Best Online Learning Platforms for Online Courses** Now that we’ve seen the fantastic benefits of online learning, let’s move ahead. We will now examine the top elearning platforms you should explore for your educational endeavor: ***[GUDSHO](https://www.gudsho.com/edutech)*** - *A leading elearning platform* GUDSHO is a rising star as the best online course platform, providing learners with diverse courses to explore. The platform’s user-friendly interface ensures that both beginners and experienced learners can navigate the vast library of courses effortlessly. GUDSHO has a formidable track record in offering personalized learning paths, tailoring the educational journey to suit individual needs and preferences. With the flexibility to learn at your own pace, GUDSHO empowers learners to manage their education around their existing commitments, making it an ideal choice for working professionals and busy students. As you progress through the courses, interactive quizzes and discussions engage you, enhancing your understanding and retention of the material. ***Udemy*** - *The best online course platform* Udemy is undoubtedly one of the best learning platforms, and its reputation is well-deserved. With an extensive collection of courses spanning virtually every subject imaginable, Udemy offers learners a seemingly endless ocean of knowledge to explore. With over 210,000+ courses, 70,000 expert instructors, and more than 62 million+ learners, Udemy has it all. Such a massive number of admissions speaks volumes about Udemy’s popularity and reputation. With lifetime access to the courses they enroll in, learners can revisit the material whenever needed, reinforcing their understanding and skills over time. ***Teachable*** - *A preferred choice in online e learning platforms* Do you want to teach something that only you know? Well, Teachable will emerge as the best elearning platform! It has empowered over 100,000 course creators to share their expertise and knowledge with learners worldwide. This demonstrates the platform’s popularity and effectiveness in enabling individuals to become online educators. The highlight of their app is the useful integration of various elements. This integration enables instructors to schedule one-on-one coaching sessions or consultations with their students. ***Thinkific*** - *The best elearning platform for custom courses* Think of an app that lets you make your courses the way you want them; think of Thinkific! It is a versatile e-learning platform that gives creators the freedom to design and customize their online courses. No wonder over 50000 users have already logged in to the platform and made courses that sold for a staggering 500 million USD. ***Skillshare*** Skillshare’s library boasts an array of 30,000 courses focused on various disciplines, teaching learners how to create stunning courses from scratch. This platform flourishes with community engagement, permitting students to associate with teachers through conversations and project sharing. Skillshare keeps up a high user fulfillment rate, with a typical rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 based on user reviews. Go on, share your skills! ***Udacity*** - *Counted among the top learning platforms* As a leading platform in the technology sector, Udacity collaborates with industry leaders and experts to ensure its courses remain relevant and up-to-date with the latest advancements. It boasts 14 million users from 195 countries, and you can be one too. Udacity offers specialized programs known as Nanodegrees that focus on specific skills or job roles. Sometimes these nano degrees are far more competent than traditional degrees. They have granted over 170,000 Nanodegree certificates to 50,000 graduates and are waiting for you to join them! ***LinkedIn Learning*** LinkedIn Learning has an immense library of more than 15,000 courses covering different points, from business studies to arts, and that’s just the beginning. They are organized to line up with the requests of the job market, guaranteeing students foster abilities that are popular and significant to potential employers. Want to become a photographer? Or are you trying to build your own app? LinkedIn Learning has something to offer to everyone. LinkedIn has an 800 million user base, and LinkedIn Learning boasts 27 million monthly logged-in users. This makes them rank top among the best online learning platforms in the world. It’s better if you signed up with LinkedIn Learning today! **Final Thoughts** Embrace the digital wave of education and embark on a limitless learning adventure with **[online e-learning platforms](https://www.gudsho.com/blog/how-to-make-money-with-elearning-channel/)**. The power of knowledge is at your fingertips, and these platforms offer you the freedom, flexibility, and community to make your educational dreams come true. So don’t wait any longer—dive into the world of e-learning and discover the best version of yourself through these incredible platforms.