Outline for EGU22 PyGMT short course
GitHub repo at https://github.com/GenericMappingTools/egu22pygmt
Time (UTC) |
Event |
13:10-13.20 |
Introduction (@weiji14) |
13:20-13.40 |
Tutorial 1 - Anatomy of a PyGMT figure (@leouieda) |
13:40-14.00 |
Tutorial 2 |
14:00-14.20 |
Tutorial 3 - LiDAR point clouds to 3D surfaces (@weiji14) |
14:20-14.40 |
Tutorial 4 |
Detailed outlines
Jot down some of the learning outcomes for your 20 min tutorial!
This can include 3-4 main bullet points, and a few sub-points.
Ideas from past workshops:
Introduction (@weiji14)
- What is PyGMT?
- Things you can do
- Plotting vector/raster data
- Data processing
- Creating a figure
- The layer cake
- Setting a basemap and common arguments: region, projection, frame
- Basics and some GMT goodies like country codes
- How to read the docs
- Overlay coast lines
- Adding data points
Tutorial 2 ()
Tutorial 3 - 3D data processing (@weiji14)
- Load a LiDAR point cloud
- Creating a Digital Surface Model (DSM)
- Plotting a DSM with
Tutorial 4 - Integration with the scientific python ecosystem (@meghanrjones)
- Plotting pandas data
- Plotting geopandas data
- Plotting an xarray.DataArray