# PyGMT Community Calls 2023 ## 2023-03-14 (UTC 18:00) Youtube recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyahKqgaafg Participants (please add your name): - Claus-Peter Rueckemann - JingHui Tong - Max Jones - Wei Ji Leong - Will Schlitzer - Yvonne Frohlich Agenda: 1. PyGMT v0.9.0 release due end of March 2023 2. PyGMT paper (for core-team) 3. Mastodon account for PyGMT? 4. Potential workshops? Upcoming features? ### Discussion - Introductions - PyGMT v0.9.0 - Max Jones volunteered - 31 March 2023 tentatively - Will open release issue - Fig.tilemap - default output map projection lat/lon or Web Mercator? - ResearchGate project getting removed, how to put announcements - 31 March 2023 deadline - Open issue on GitHub to discuss - Download projects before deadline, possibly reupload - Mastodon account for PyGMT - Maintain twitter channel - Email account to share? Gmail can be a bit tricky to share, but since we're not posting regularly, it might be ok - Wei Ji will set that up - PyGMT paper - Not many authors still in academia - Some text exists, but also open questions - Usually one person write, many co-author review - Aiming for G3 journal - Schedule a collaborative writing time, split out tasks for different sections? - Sections on - Intro - ... - Comparison with GMT - Integration with PyData ecosystem - Examples - Community - Further development - How long to write? Need to look at G3 guidelines. - Copy one or two gallery examples, something that illustrates what PyGMT can do (over GMT). - Writing for people with a background in GMT (e.g. GMT paper's section on comparing GMT5), and people who are coming from the Python world - Timeline (tentative): - First draft by end of June - Submit by end of July - Discuss authorship order early on - Workshops, other things - GMT EarthScope workshop - Organize in April, lectures posted by June - Need to pre-record lectures, about 15min length - PyGMT office hours, need volunteers to answer questions - Is a pre-requisite for GMTSAR - Will volunteering to help record something - There is still funding to present at conferences (though quite a bit of paperwork involved) for anyone wanting to present GMT/PyGMT stuff - GMT Dev Summit? Up to us to discuss still, need Paul's input, and someone to organize for in-person. Or just have a virtual/hybird one. - Can send Slack to Max with opinions - Next next release v0.10.0 - Planning for maybe July - May be dependent on GMT 6.5, before mid 2023 - DMG mac image - Option through conda/homebrew/source - Some restrictions on who can upload things, which can only be done by Paul at UH currently - Probably ok to stick with conda-forge for now