title: "Python for the Unsolvable: Machine Learning Applications in Chaos Theory - Srivatsa Kundurthy"
tags: PyConAPAC2022, 2022-organize, 2022-共筆
# Python for the Unsolvable: Machine Learning Applications in Chaos Theory - Srivatsa Kundurthy
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<iframe src=https://app.sli.do/event/89eWi3M339pEYGWaAtcwac height=450 width=100%></iframe>
Slide link 投影片連結:
YouTube link 演講影片連結:https://youtu.be/Bk-Dji80n2Q
> Collaborative writing start from below
> 從這裡開始共筆
speaker info
- Srivatsa Kundurthy
- ML researcher in Greater New York City Area
- member of US Technology Policy Committee
- physics X ML
- https://twitter.com/srkundurthy
- https://github.com/srivatsa-kundurthy
chaotic systems
- highly sensitive to initial conditions
- but have underlying patterns, and thus deterministic actually!
Below is the part that speaker updated the talk/tutorial after speech