tags: 2022-organize
# Open Space Registration form (Open Space 主題登記表) / PyCon APAC 2022

> Position 位置

::: warning
Qualifications: The attendee of PyCon APAC 2022
Where: Open Space area @ Space B
> Main session: **Day 2 15:45 ~ 16:35 **
>Minor session: anytime during the conference!
參與身分:報名 PyCon APAC 2022 的會眾
地點:Gather 的 Open Space 區域 @ Space B
時間:第二天 15:45 ~ 16:35 有獨立時段,此外大會期間皆可自由發起!
### What is Open Space? 什麼是 Open Space?
Open Spaces are self-organizing meetup events which happen simultaneously with the main conference. Open Spaces are organized during the period of PyCon by attendees, which provide a way for you to define, organize, plain out the meetup as you preferred. Enjoy the Open Space and make some new friends, discuss any topic you’d like at the same time.
開放空間(Open Space)是自助式、聚會形式的活動。開放空間有別於大會大部分的會議內容,議程規劃是由大會與會者「當場」計畫的。開放空間讓你能用任何你喜歡的方式定義、組織、規劃你自己的小聚,想聊技術或是聊八卦都可以,讓參與者自己決定:)
### How can I start it? 我要怎麼開始呢?
If you have any ideas, just fill out the sheet at the end of this document. We will display your talk information on Gather, and provide you a specific area for you to use. Let's gather and make friends together. If you just want to join others' discussions, you can go through the topics below.
如果你有主題想討論,就來填寫這份文件下方的表格!我們會將你的題目與資訊放上當天的Gather場地,並且提供你 Gather 上的專屬區域,讓我們期待遇到新朋友的火花吧!
### What can I discuss with others? 大家都在 Open Space 討論什麼?
There're no limitations on talk topics, you're only required to obey [Code of Conduct](ttps://tw.pycon.org/2021/about/code-of-conduct)
Just write down your ideas below and enjoy the gathering!
Here's some example last year:
- career development (resume review and expected salary etc.)
- Unboxing MOPCON 2020
- Let's talk about the future of Taiwanese lyrics website
什麼都可以哦!只要不違反大會 [CoC原則](https://tw.pycon.org/2022/zh-hant/about/code-of-conduct) 都可以!
- 職涯發展 (履歷檢視、期望薪資 etc.)
- 用台語聊台語歌詞正字網站的未來
## Open Space 主題列表 Open Space topic list
- Main session: **Day 2 15:45 ~ 16:35**
- Minor session: anytime during the conference
時間: 第二天 **15:45 ~ 16:35** 有獨立時段 --> 鼓勵可優先 Host 於此時段
::: info
#### 主題/Title:我是範例主題
- Time/時間 : Day 1 11:00-11:30
- Host/分享者 : 王小明
- Gather Position/Gather位置: TBD
- Contact Information/聯絡方式: wang123@pycon.tw
- Language/主要進行語言: 中文
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋: Anan, Lisa
### Sign up 正式報名處 / Sign up your topic below 👇 (若欄位不夠可再自行複製
#### 主題/Title:當上主管後,難道只能默默崩潰
- Time/時間 : Day 2 11:00 - 12:00
- Host/分享者 : Tim
- Gather Position/Gather位置: 2
- Contact Information/聯絡方式: timyellow#6008 on Discord
- Language/主要進行語言: Mandarin or English
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋:
- Wei
這裡歡迎 Manager, Tech Lead, Mentor 或是想要往管理方向前進的你
for you in attendees:
interaction(you, attendees)
每一次的 loop 會依人數狀況來限制時間
* 有當過管理職的你
* 碰到過的管理難題
* 解決過的管理問題
* 最沮喪的時刻
* 最成功的時刻
* 往管理職前進的契機
* 好書推推
* 沒有當過管理職的你
* 為什麼想要往管理職前進
* 對管理職的疑惑
#### 主題/Title:什麼是去中心化金融? / What is Defi? / 分散型金融は何?
- Time/時間 : Day 2 15:45 ~ 16:35
- Host/分享者 : David Jr.
- Gather Position/Gather位置: 1
- Contact Information/聯絡方式: davidtnfsh#4048 on Python Taiwan / PyCon APAC 2022 Discord
- Language/主要進行語言: Madarin, English と少し日本語
- https://hackmd.io/@davidtnfsh/BkYrIp-ej#/9
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋:
#### 主題/Title:sciwork -- researchers and engineers to share and discuss computer code for scientific, numerical, and engineering work
- Time/時間 : Day 2 15:45 ~ 16:35
- Host/分享者 : yyc ([@yungyuc](https://twitter.com/yungyuc))
- Gather Position/Gather位置: 2
- Contact Information/聯絡方式: https://discord.gg/6MAkFrD
- Language/主要進行語言: Mandarin or English
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋:
#### 主題/Title: Organizing and participating community events / Talk about your regional PyCon organizing experience. The internal of PyCon APAC 2022 / PyCon TW organizing team
- Time/時間 : Day 2 15:45 - 16:35
- Host/分享者 : tai / Leila / Rex
- Gather Position/Gather位置: 3
- Contact Information/聯絡方式: tai271828 on Python Taiwan / PyCon APAC 2022 discord
- Language/主要進行語言: Mandarin or English
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋:
- wei
- rex
- leila
- David Lu
- petertc
- pochun
#### 主題/Title:Python 官方文件繁體中文翻譯計畫
- Time/時間 : Day 2 15:45 - 16:35
- Host/分享者 : Matt and Josix
- Gather Position/Gather位置: 4
- Contact Information/聯絡方式:
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/6MAkFrD) (channel: #pydoc-zhtw)
- [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/python/python-docs-zh-tw)
- Language/主要進行語言: Mandarin or English
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋:
#### 主題/Title:Is Airflow actually good?
- Time/時間 : Day 2 15:45 - 16:00 (may extend)
在 [Airflow 官方 Slack](https://apache-airflow.slack.com/) 上開了台灣 channel: #users-taiwan
- Host/分享者 : TP
- Gather Position/Gather位置: 7
- Contact Information/聯絡方式: uranusjr#8796 on Discord
- Language/主要進行語言: 中文 (or English depending)
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋:
- tim
- StarNight
#### 主題/Title: 法規衝擊分析工具的技術分享
- Time/時間 : Day 2 15:45 - 16:00
- Host/分享者 : [aha](https://twitter.com/ntuaha)
- Gather Position/Gather位置: 5
- Contact Information/聯絡方式:
- ntuaha@gmail.com
- https://www.facebook.com/ntuaha
- Language/主要進行語言: 中文
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋:
#### 主題/Title: Please help OSS collaborator beginner
Nikkie became a collaborator of [Uberi/speech_recognition](https://github.com/Uberi/speech_recognition).
Last release of the library is [5 years ago](https://pypi.org/project/SpeechRecognition/) and there are hundreds of issues.
*The library works on Python 3.8 or later* as I show in [my talk](https://tw.pycon.org/2022/en-us/conference/talk/229).
Sharing your experiece or advisement as any OSS collaborator or feedbacks as users of the library are always welcome!
- Time/時間 : Day 2 15:45 - 16:05
- Host/分享者 : nikkie
- Gather Position/Gather位置: 6
- Contact Information/聯絡方式: ~~Chat gather or discord #open-space in conference~~
- Twitter [@ftnext](https://twitter.com/ftnext) (DM is open)
- Language/主要進行語言: English
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋:
#### 主題/Title: 海外公司工作經驗交流 / Working at overseas company
- Time/時間 : 15:45 ~
- Host/分享者 : Jordan, Junwei, and you
- Gather Position/Gather位置: 8
- Contact Information/聯絡方式: [PyConTW] Jordan, Junwei
- Language/主要進行語言: 中文
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋:
#### 主題/Title:
- Time/時間 :
- Host/分享者 :
- Gather Position/Gather位置: TBD
- Contact Information/聯絡方式:
- Language/主要進行語言:
- I want to join✋/我想加加✋: