title: "Comparison of Packaging Tools in 2023 - Peacock"
tags: PyConTW2023, 2023-organize, 2023-共筆
# Comparison of Packaging Tools in 2023 - Peacock
{%hackmd H6-2BguNT8iE7ZUrnoG1Tg %}
<iframe src=https://app.sli.do/event/9rb2547H5Lr5jJ955K8Thz height=450 width=100%></iframe>
> Collaborative writing start from below
> 從這裡開始共筆
Slide: https://slides.p3ac0ck.net/pycontw2023/index.html
* PEPs: [517](https://peps.python.org/pep-0517/), [621](https://peps.python.org/pep-0621/), and [660](https://peps.python.org/pep-0660/)
* `pyproject.toml` format was defined
pyproject.toml https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/build-system/pyproject-toml/
## pyproject.toml format
* build-system
* project
* dependencies
## Pipenv
- Pros
- supports lock-file
- easy to add/ upgrade pacakges
- wraps vitualenv
- Cons
- slow dependency resolver
- limited support for pep 621 style `pyproject.toml`
## Poetry
- Pros
- Dependency management with lock-file
- Wrapper virtual env
- Include Task-runner poetry run
- Helper for the building wheels
- Cons
- Not support PEP621 style `pyproject.toml`
## PDM
- Pros
- Fast dependency resolver (you can choose another resolver)
- Support PEP 621
- Include Task runner (pdm run)
- Cons
- Not include wheel building helper
## pip-tools
- Pros
- Simple, only 2 commands
- Support PEP 621
- Combine-able with pip or hatch
- Maintained by the jazzband community
- Cons
- does not included task runner or wheel building tools
## Hatch
- Pros
- Configurable to a backend for builing project
- Maintained acitvely by PyPA nearly official
- Support PEP 621
- Cons
## pip
- Pros
- Build-in in Python, very simple
- Support PEP 621
- Cons
- cannot wrap virtualenv
- does not support file-managed dependencies
- does not include task-runnder and wheel builder
# Summary
## Case 1: Library developing
- Hatch (with pip-tools): Very configurable and flexible
## Case 2: Application Developing
- PDM: All-in-one tool and easy to use
- resaons:
- fast dependency resolver
- supports PEP 621 style `pyproject.toml`
## Case 3: Automation Script Developing
- pip Simple to use, not built-in in Python)
- reasons:
- Lightweight, non-dep
- Simple to use
# Appendix
## Rye
- pros
- single-binary, easy to install and use
- works with `pyproject.toml` spec PEP 621 style
- wraps virtualenv, including package builder and publisher
- inlcude python version manager
- cons
- experimental, not stable
# Q & A
1. is requirement.txt dead?
- no, but it has some problems
Below is the part that speaker updated the talk/tutorial after speech