title: "Changing the world, one PyCon at a time (Ver. 2022) - Iqbal Abdullah"
tags: PyConAPAC2022, 2022-organize, 2022-共筆
# Changing the world, one PyCon at a time (Ver. 2022) - Iqbal Abdullah
{%hackmd 3JQH2UcwQ1e5RMgz4GRiKg %}
<iframe src=https://app.sli.do/event/6hfYAXe1XHYNSvg8DaZBgP height=450 width=100%></iframe>
Slide link 投影片連結:
YouTube link 演講影片連結:
> Collaborative writing start from below
> 從這裡開始共筆
Below is the part that speaker updated the talk/tutorial after speech