# PyCon Taiwan 2024 衝刺開發 Sprints
- 時間 Time:Monday, Sep 23rd, 2024 10:00–17:00 (GMT+8)
- 地點 Location:[高雄市數位內容創意中心 DAKUO (Digital Art Kaohsiung United Office)](https://maps.app.goo.gl/A5wAQzQfrHSwPiz2A)
## 流程 Schedule
| 時間 / Time | 時長 / Duration | 活動流程 / Agenda |
| ----------- | --------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| 09:30-10:00 | 30 mins | 報到 / Check in |
| 10:00-10:15 | 15 mins | 活動開場與贊助商介紹 / Opening |
| 10:15-10:45 | 30 mins | 專案介紹 / Introduction to Projects |
| 10:45-10:50 | 5 mins | 專案分組 / Grouping |
| 10:50-12:30 | 100 mins | 上午衝刺開發 / Morning Sprints |
| 12:30-13:30 | 60 mins | 午餐時間 / Lunch Break |
| 13:30-16:30 | 180 mins | 下午衝刺開發 / Afetrnoon Sprints |
| 16:30-17:00 | 30 mins | 成果發表 / Presentation & Closing |
## 如何組織一個衝刺開發 Organizing Your Sprint
- 介紹你的專案 Introduce your project
你可以在 HackMD 中詳述你的專案內容與特色,以及想要參與者協助的地方。你也可以錄製一個小影片,讓參與者能夠迅速瞭解你的專案內容。例如一個簡短的教學影片,包括專案介紹與操作、如何佈建、測試,觀看 Issue、Pull Request 等等。讓參與者可以很快上手,並瞭解可以從哪開始著手貢獻。
You can detail your project description and features in HackMD, as well as where you need participants to help. You can also provide a pre-recorded video for participants to quickly pick up the knowledge of your project. For example, a short tutorial video, including project introduction and functionality, how to deploy, test, view issue, pull request, etc. Make participants get started quickly and understand where to start contributing.
- 與參與者互動 Interact with participants
專案主持人可以透過聚會分享、信件、聊天群組 (Slack, Discord) 等等與參與者互動,交流意見,並協助參與者貢獻你的專案。如此一來,貢獻開源便不受限於時間與地點,而是一個長期的社群經營。
The project host can interact with participants, share ideas with each other, and help participants contribute to your project through meetup sharing, email, chat groups (Slack, Discord), etc. In this way, contributing to open source is not limited to time and place, but a long-term community promotion.
- 提供參與者貢獻的方向 Provide direction for participants to contribute
你可以從專案中現有需要幫忙的 issue 或是需要幫助的 pull requests 中提供參與者貢獻的方向,也可以透過與參與者相互討論,尋找可以更好的方向。
You can provide the direction for participants from the existing issues or pull requests that need help in your project, and you can also discuss with participants to find a better direction.
## 如何報名專案 How to Submit a Project?
- 報名時間 Submission Time:Now until Sep 11th (Wednesday) 17:00 (GMT+8)
- [點我報名 Click to submit](https://forms.gle/qMDXfjAzdBC4m1us5)
## 2024 Projects List 專案列表
### Apache Airflow
- **專案描述 Project description**:
Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. 由 Airflow committer 帶領設定開發環境、選擇適合你的 issue、並提交貢獻。
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- [airflow | GitHub](https://github.com/apache/airflow/)
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**:
- [name=Wei] weilee@python.tw
- [name=TP Chung] uranusjr@gmail.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:
- 請按照連結說明完成 Installation 的部分:https://github.com/apache/airflow/blob/main/dev/breeze/doc/01_installation.rst ,如有問題可以加入 airflow 的 slack https://airflow.apache.org/community/ 討論。
- **進行語言 Language**: Mandarin Chinese 中文
- **其他 AOB**:
English speakers are welcomed as well, although I’ll use Chinese unless necessary.
### Python 官方說明文件臺灣繁體中文翻譯計畫
- **專案描述 Project description**:
團隊目標為推進 Python 官方文件繁中翻譯進度,任務包含文件翻譯、審核譯文、與開發翻譯輔助工具。現正招募志工中!無論你是初學者還是經驗豐富的開發者,只要你對於貢獻 Python 有熱忱,都歡迎加入我們!
- 專案介紹
- 翻譯流程與自動化工具教學
- hands-on 時間:一起選出你有興趣的任務!
- (a) 選擇要翻譯的文件
- (b) 翻譯輔助工具設計與開發
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- [python/python-docs-zh-tw | GitHub](https://github.com/python/python-docs-zh-tw)
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**:
- [name=Matt Wang] mattwang44@gmail.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:
- 基礎中英文與校稿能力
- 希望有 git & GitHub 基本概念(若不熟也可以現場教學)
- 可以先行閱讀 project readme 的[翻譯流程](https://github.com/python/python-docs-zh-tw#id3)並嘗試自行操作過一遍,也可以參考 [project wiki](https://github.com/python/python-docs-zh-tw/wiki)。
- **進行語言 Language**: Mandarin Chinese 中文
- **其他 AOB**: None
### 眼位追蹤 (取消 canceled)
- **專案描述 Project description**:
- 治療時避免監控眼位避免危及器官接受到不必要的劑量
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- [Eye Wil'Vision Pro | Gamma](https://gamma.app/docs/Copy-of-Eye-WilVision-Pro--qu2u65w3vffg16b)
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**:
- [name=tayshaun] tayshaun2013@gmail.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:
- 不太需要
- **進行語言 Language**: Mandarin Chinese 中文
- **其他 AOB**: None
### Game Programming Frameworks
- **專案描述 Project description**:
This is not a sprint for a specific project. This is a sprint to work on game programming libraries/frameworks such as PyGame CE, Arcade, Ren'py or any library that is useful for game programming. Our goal is to work on issues, documentation, or (if you are skilled enough) start work on features that will be helpful for your chosen Frameworks.
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- [renpy | GitHub](https://github.com/renpy/renpy)
- [arcade | GitHub](https://github.com/pythonarcade/arcade/)
- [pygame-ce | GitHub](https://github.com/pygame-community/pygame-ce)
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**:
- [name=Sony Valdez] shunyvaldez@gmail.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:
- Git
- Any of the following:
- Ren'py
- PyGame CE
- Arcade
- **進行語言 Language**: English 英文
- **其他 AOB**:
I am currently getting advise and permission from the library maintainers. I will update the Project Description if I am told of new information.
### Data Morph
- **專案描述 Project description**:
Data Morph converts an input dataset of 2D points into select shapes, while preserving the summary statistics to a given number of decimal points through simulated annealing. It is intended to be used as a teaching tool to illustrate the importance of data visualization.
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- [data-morph| GitHub](https://github.com/stefmolin/data-morph)
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**:
- [name=Stefanie Molin] pycontw@stefaniemolin.com
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:
- Basic Python and basic Git commands. Beginners welcome.
- **進行語言 Language**: English 英文
- **其他 AOB**:
### Let's build a dictionary!
- **專案描述 Project description**:
This isn't a normal sprint; we aren't going to be contributing to an open-source project. Rather, you should think of this as a long series of hands-on exercises. Over the course of the day, we'll build (step by step) our own implementation of Python's dictionaries. The point isn't to replace the built-in dict, so much as to learn more about how Python works behind the scenes, and also strengthen our understanding of core Python topics, such as object-oriented programming. By the end of the day, you'll know and appreciate more about Python's dicts, and you will have stronger Python coding skills.
- **專案連結 Project link**:
- None yet, but I'll set up a GitHub repo for this project
- **專案聯絡人 Project Contact**:
- [name=Reuven Lerner] reuven@lerner.co.il
- **先需知識 Background knowledge**:
- Basic Python skills, such as core data structures (strings, lists, tuples, and dicts), writing functions, and basic object-oriented functionality.
- **進行語言 Language**: English 英文
- **其他 AOB**: