title: "如何將 Python 程式碼的環境遷移到其他地方? - Pan"
tags: PyConTW2024, 2024-organize, 2024-共筆
# 如何將 Python 程式碼的環境遷移到其他地方? - Pan
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<iframe src=https://app.sli.do/event/nbKd6CoABoHZribnEx8wyV height=450 width=100%></iframe>
> Collaborative writing start from below
> 從這裡開始共筆
**You can check this presentation at: https://link.pan93.com/pycon2024.** The script (Chinese) of the presentation is also included, and feel free to translate it to English or something else if you are not familiar with English.
沒有dockerdesktop, 網速不夠pip install 該如何轉移環境?
how venv isolation
- link to system python
- pyvenv.cfg 虛擬環境的設定檔
- activate 作用:補上環境變數的PATH以及其他會影響python的變數 (eg. PYTHONHOME)
如果OS 硬體的環境差不多的話,是可以直接複製搬過去(可能需要小改一下 bin/)
like: ubuntu AMD64, linux arm64
- pex
打包出來的資料還是需要python 執行
- pyinstaller
- briefcase
Below is the part that speaker updated the talk/tutorial after speech