--- title: "Streamlit meets WebAssembly - stlite - Yuichiro Tachibana" tags: PyConTW2023, 2023-organize, 2023-共筆 --- # Streamlit meets WebAssembly - stlite - Yuichiro Tachibana {%hackmd H6-2BguNT8iE7ZUrnoG1Tg %} <iframe src=https://app.sli.do/event/2vRG8isUcCjnKCWTCyMeqM height=450 width=100%></iframe> > Collaborative writing start from below > 從這裡開始共筆 Slide: https://slides.com/whitphx/streamlit-meets-webassembly-stlite https://github.com/whitphx/stlite https://edit.share.stlite.net/ ## QA + What's the built-in battery (modules) in stlite? (e.g. OpenCV? Pandas?) + not in stlite + is in Pydiode + "What are the differences between Streamlit and Pynecone?" + What's the limitation of st-lite/desktop about the requirements? + need py + Are these frameworks (Streamlit, Pynecone) finally make us able to get rid of JS? + Still no, if you want more fine controls. Below is the part that speaker updated the talk/tutorial after speech 講者於演講後有更新或勘誤投影片的部份