title: "Bytes, Pipes, and People - Seth Michael Larson"
tags: PyConTW2024, 2024-organize, 2024-共筆
# Bytes, Pipes, and People - Seth Michael Larson
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<iframe src=https://app.sli.do/event/6vbzEFpSNtNoqEDk3uppmw height=450 width=100%></iframe>
> Collaborative writing start from below
> 從這裡開始共筆
Slide: https://sethmlarson.dev/pycon-taiwan-2024
python ecosystem protection
First spike:Internet Web
- HTTPS :masive improvement to security
- 技術早在30年前就有,是什麼讓HTTPS廣為流傳
-- 行為改變
一個人可以對整個生態的改變:tell stories.Stories change Culture
fill the gap use stories
Positive Feedback Loop
-- Producer build project that align the user requirement
## Security
* 90% Commercial software project include open source components
User expact software to be secure
Security is a systemic problem
## what is software made of
Software Bill od Materials(SBOM):提供可以追蹤的路徑
python provide SBOMS
## Building a security
use verifiable data!(Brand)
Below is the part that speaker updated the talk/tutorial after speech