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QPAD workshop

This markdown file can be simultaneously edited by participants to add their questions. This way we can keep track of these without going back and forth in the chat and trying to organize/summarize things as we go.

Please scroll down to Parking Lot to add your questions.

Day 1

Resources for GLMMs

We won't be able to spend a whole lot of time on GLMMs in general, but if you'd like to look at some resources you can begin here:

Other questions

  • more dog pictures (JA: and cats!? :3)
  • citizen science, eBird data integration
  • MaxEnt & presence-only data

Parking Lot

Add your questions/ideas here as a new line.

Question: If I am alone in this sorry for the silly question, but if we are looking for a good crash course in some of the more basic concepts like GLMMs is there a place you might recommend to look in order to better understand the idea of QPAD?

JA: This is no silly question at all. Let me think a bit on best resources. So, Peter shared some online resources above. Find below some, to me, books on statistics for ecology that are AMAZING to read from A to R!
PS: copied resources above

"Peter, it would be helpful if you could add some more comments to this script explaining each step of the error propagation."

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