[view on commons.garden](http://commons.garden/wireframe/collections/) ## Phase 1: MVP - peer adds post to existing collection - peer adds post to new collection - peer edits (reorder, delete) collection posts - peer sees collections on another peer profile - author receives notification that post is on a collection ## Phase 2: Quotes - curator writes a note on top of post - curator edits note on top of post - followers receive notifications ## Phase 3: Discoverability - peer view other collections that post is on ## Phase 4: Subscription - peer follows collection - follower receives collection edit notification - curator receives notification collection has been followed ## Phase 5: Versions initially, peers add always the latest version of the post to collections. In the future, they should add a specific version, so we keep history. - curator receives a notification when collection post is edited, - curator views collection post with warning of new version - curator updates collection post to new version - collection follower receives a notification of changes ## Phase 6: Groups (discuss) --- ## internal group collections - group peer finds a post and adds to group collection - group admin creates and manages collections - review how comments go (internal? external) - settings - admin only can edit collections (admin/everyone) - everyone can add posts (admin/everyone) ## external group collections - only admins can create/edit external collections