# Report on another bad reorg on Goerli The following reorg was seen on Goerli ![](https://i.imgur.com/Ej6Nkqq.jpg) Unfortunately this graph iss ordered by slot number (left to right) and not by timestamps. The lightblue epoch on the left is 155221, the other lightblue epoch on the right is 155223, the white one in the middle is (you guessed it) 155222. - When epoch 155221 ends, the last block that the chain has seen is 4967101 (slot 29 in that epoch, the top branch is based on that block). - This block has not enough votes to justify epoch 155221, so the chain advances keeping the justified epoch to be 155220 - The chain advances on the top branch, everything is normal, all clients participating, until right after slot 4967121 - After that block is imported, block 4967102 appears (4 minutes late). This is the last block in epoch 155221, in slot 30, since the block in the next slot was never proposed (or seen). - The block 4967102 has enough votes to justify 155221, this splits the view of the chain: those that have deployed the witholding fix (only prysm) will not see this block as head and continue to build on top of the canonical chain. Those that didn't deploy it yet will immediately reorg to this block. - Lodestar proposes block 155224 on top of that block (the first block in the bottom branch) and from there on, Lighthouse, Teku and Nimbus follow. - Prysm does not see this chain as head since the top branch is competing in its view and has a heavier weight with 15 blocks worth of votes. So when prysm proposes block 4967132 it does so on the top branch. - This also explains the higher vote count on 4967121 as every prysm node continued voting on it as head, despite the chain advancing on the bottom. - The other clients continue seeing the bottom branch with higher justification, so they continue building on top of it. - When the epoch changes to 155223, then every justification is realized, and now every client sees the two branches with the same realized justified epoch: 155221. Thus everyone reorgs back to the top chain. - Had prysm not deployed the witholding fix, the reorg back would have been to block 4967121 instead of 4967132