# **Learn*2*Earn** Challenge ### Goal Build a platform on Ethereum Cat Herders website or separately, where a community member can earn POAP or mint an NFT by answering questions after watching an educational video. ### Target audience * College blockchain clubs * Blockchain meetup * Application developers * Self tutor trying to learn the basics of the Ethereum blockchain * NFT/POAP collector hobbyist ## Team meetings Weekly team meeting is planned on Monday at 19:00 UTC. Details available on ECH Discord #learn2earn. Meeting notes can be found [here](https://hackmd.io/@poojaranjan/L2Emeetingnotes). ## Useful links - [L2E GitHub repo](https://github.com/ethereum-cat-herders/L2E) - [Draft design](https://www.figma.com/file/tB5If4aq8GRB0cAsnxkyek/ECH-Learn2Earn?node-id=0%3A1). Feedback appreciated. - [Sample quiz](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f6byk4xEtjGN2a8jBf54AtUQ6fIMdDgsUz1xsSTr-c0/edit?usp=sharing) questions ## Proposed process flow * Are you ready to take the *Learn2Earn* challenge? * Select a video to watch (from a list added to the platform or the ECH YouTube). Be sure to watch the full video to be able to answer the following questions. * When finish watching, next button could ask "Are you ready to answer questions?" * Yes -> move on to questions * This can be similar to Google form or Airtable providing flexibility to go back and forth to correct answers. * Follow the progress bar. * No * Go back to watch the video again * Go back to the list and watch some other video. * At the end of Question 5, button to go next to connect with the Metamask wallet to claim the POAP. * Options to mint on the Ethereum chain or the xDAI chain. * Next screen can be asking if you'd like to share it on Twitter? * With a customized message, something like, [I took the Learn*2*Earn challenge for "Topic name" and won this POAP. If you would like to take the challenge, clibk here.] * Next screen can be asking do you want to take another challenge? * Yes - > take to the list of videos * No - > Thank you for participating in the *Learn2Earn* challenge. ### Enhancement suggestions - option for text resources as an input to learn the concept and take the quiz - encryption of answers ### Possible team Possible contributors to be working on this project are - George (georgeh) - Shashank Y. (Mr. Yalamanchi) - Stefan (sw) - Pooja (Pooja Ranjan)