# PnM20 conference day action items archive > using this pad is to archive the action items for the actual conference days * **Day 3** * Presenters * Deadline for videos, 11/25 * [x] follow-up with presenters @seav * [ ] ==Missing videos, as of 11/26 18:43== * [x] ~~Regular - Grab 💚 Community~~ * [ ] Some QGIS Tips and Tricks, Sorbi * Participants * [x] @GOwin send Day 2 [Reminder for registered PnM20 Participants](/Ra_o2s9IQzau2vu_5Fp0iA), due 11/26 * [x] IAG * [x] Inform batch 3 of approved applicatoin * [x] @GOwin process top-ups, 11/27 morning > 12 grantees @100 each, 1,200 PHP * [ ] Setup * [x] Jitsi room, passcode * [x] notify duty crew, * [x] presenters * [x] sponsors * [x] Youtube livestream (starts at 13:45) * [x] bit.ly/pnm20live or youtube.com/channel/UCBK_Xl0waWLv--GpvrcTzVQ/live * [x] permanent URL youtu.be/b-nTVDt-F1Y * [x] Update [PnM20 YT videos list](/FDlTw4M6RuSQoI3JDE3yug) for Day 3 * [x] @maning, please review for final changes * [x] [MC's deck, day 3](/GBT8ba3dSYaYza2VQrCOjw) * [ ] @maning, please review for final changes. especially "fixme" tags * [x] Create Day 3 [Q&A doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BjHYg9n63Jlh-QSDCTa_9Pb9HbIRfyTRQEZLQ8Bx2v0/edit?pli=1#heading=h.phu379axnh3s) * [x] Possible flash giveaways * [ ] Voucher * [ ] IAG grant * [x] Payables * [ ] Honoraria for Day 3 presenters * [ ] Duty Crew --- * **Day 2** * Presenters * Deadline for videos, 11/10 * [x] follow-up with presenters @seav * [ ] ~~notify Francis possibility of changing lightning talk sched from Day 3 to Day 2~~ * Sponsors * [x] @maning to invite sponsors in Jitsi room * Participants * [x] @GOwin send Day 2 [Reminder for registered PnM20 Participants](/Ra_o2s9IQzau2vu_5Fp0iA), due 11/19 * [x] IAG * [x] Inform batch 2 of approved applicatoin * [x] process top-ups, 11/19 evening * [x] close application, 11/18, Wed, 12:00 * [x] open application, 11/15, Sun, 12:00 * [x] Setup * [x] Jitsi room, passcode * [x] notify duty crew, presenters and sponsors * [x] Youtube livestream (starts at 13:30) * [x] bit.ly/pnm20live or youtube.com/channel/UCBK_Xl0waWLv--GpvrcTzVQ/live * [x] permanent URL youtu.be/aqQ5tbwrbTs * [x] Update [PnM20 YT videos list](/FDlTw4M6RuSQoI3JDE3yug) for Day 2 * [ ] @marxt , please review for final changes * [x] [MC's deck, day 2](/aIzwEjfmSbmEmWpYdPZimg) * [ ] @marxt , please review for final changes. especially "fixme" tags * [x] Create Day 2 Q&A doc * [ ] Possible flash giveaways * [ ] Voucher * [ ] IAG grant * [ ] Payables * [x] Honoraria for Day 2 presenters * [ ] Duty Crew --- * **Day 1** * [ ] Payables * [x] Incentives for Day 1 presenters * [ ] Duty Crew * [x] First tranche of IAG applicants, due: 11/12 * [x] Day 1 livestream permanent URL: youtu.be/TwXSQnlOohs