# Update - 8 Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well! I have an update on the wallet development. Our goal has been redefined and we're now focusing on making the wallet forkable and customizable for SCW with support for custom onboarding and transaction inputs. Our aim is to have the plugin ready by EthDenver. Here's what we have planned so far: - De-prioritize the secure module for a safe execution environment for multiple wallets (Jan 29th) - Finish the onboarding with a custom screen for SCW to take user input (Jan 29th) - Inject the Web3Provider (Feb 4th) - Create a primary transaction confirmation screen that developers can clone and customize (Feb 7th) - Write a Readme for users to clone the repo and develop (Feb 14th) - Clean up any leftover issues (March 1st) - Modified 2fa extension demo (March 1st) We have updated the timeline based on the progress we've made so far: - Inject Web3Provider (Feb 4th) - Transaction screen (Feb 8th) - Readme (Feb 14th) - Define a simpler Paymaster RPC call (Feb 10th) - WalletApi to expose information about the paymaster (Feb 10th) - Settings page to add paymaster, change bundler URL, provider URL, etc. (Feb 18th) - Reload the background script upon chain change (will see if there's time left) Check out the onboarding video and the video for injecting the Web3Provider below: ### Onboarding Video: {%youtube BZU9lWagLtY %} ### Injecting Web3Provider: {%youtube wq9tN0Wy1f4 %} The new repo can be found at the [link](https://github.com/plusminushalf/aa-account-chrome-extension). Let me know your thoughts and feedback!