Who is the luckiest Orna player? - Orna Taiwan Unofficial Cross-Factions Event
我和我的朋友們也因此互稱自己來自布魯克林區或曼哈頓區,更有甚著,有位玩家在24小時內叫出四隻重生茉莉根,或是五張召喚捲軸開出三隻箱神,而被我們戲稱為上城之子(Uptown Boy/上城=台北天母)。而我也好奇台灣到底有多少曼哈頓區的居民(還是大家和我一樣都是布魯克林區的居民,拼命開出四馬二馬和變異奇美拉XD)
World Raid Boss Summoning Competition
How hard to summon the September's Event World Raid Boss - The Mightiest Mimic you want? Let’s find out who the luckiest one is!
0. Event time: 09/04/2021 to 09/30/2021. Welcome the players of T9 and T10 to join. A player can upload the scores multiple times. We will get the highest and the lowest.
註:請將召喚過程錄影並自己保存,作為未來查證的依據,有任何問題請洽Taiwan PixiuuixiP。
1.Please summon ten WRB and take them in the same screenshot with your player name/group (T9 or T10). Send it to the Taiwan Discord channel.(Or you can contact Taiwan PixiuuixiP / 【傳說之始】SJT#5360) You will need to list what you have summoned in the screenshot and calculate the score as the rule below.
PS. Please record while you are summoning as the proof if needed. You can contact Taiwan PixiuuixiP for any questions.
箱神 +15分 / 重生摩莉甘 +10分
蒼白鳳凰 +8分 / 變異雪怪+6分 /三馬 +4分
世界樹 雞蛇 0分
變異白龍 四馬 奇美拉 -5分
一馬 二馬 -10分
2.Score calculation
The Mightiest Mimic: 15 pts
Arisen Morrigan: 10 pts
Ashen Phoenix: 8 pts
Fey Yeti: 6 pts
Third Horseman: 4 pts
Arisen Yggdrasil & Fey Cockatrice: 0 pts
Fey Dragon, Fey Chimera & Final Horseman: -5 pts
First Horseman & Second Horseman: -10 pts
i.白龍之子(aka 塔史亮)-10張中開出最多變異白龍者
3.Award Titles (T10 and T9 groups)
a. God in the box – who summons the most of the Mightiest Mimic in 10 summon scrolls
b. 1st Luckiest one – who has the highest score
c. 2nd Luckiest one – who has the 2nd highest score
d. 3rd Luckiest one – who has the 3rd highest score
e. Not so luck one – who have the last three lowest scores
f. Child of the Phoenix – who summons the most of Arisen Phoenix in 10 summon scrolls
g. Child of the Witch – who summons the most of Arisen Morrigan in 10 summon scrolls
h. The Wrong Prince Charming – who summons only horsemen in 10 summon scrolls
i. Child of the Fey Dragon – who summons the most of Fey Dragon in 10 summon scrolls
Kirito 61分
Tako Sama 58分
FengLou 57分
Dai 54分
MaMaMeeYa 51分
SkrSkrSkr 45分
skytsai 40分
Tako Sama 35分
hanamae 26分
ODG_club 26分
Taiwan PixiuuixiP 17分
Lshtrybetter 15分
Shabbash(Orna Legend) 12分
Hakuna Matata 9分
Lshtrybetter -5分
Pooman -9分
Tako Sama -11分
Kirito -18分
Greenforever -20分
owen_yutaka -21分
RockTeddy 60分
QTtt 43分
Keyes 42分
Ceeet 29分
Verlonia 27分
QTttt 19分
Verlonia 10分
Ceeet 5分
Keyes 2分
Ceeet -9分
翻譯(Translator):[XMS]Tako Sama