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Recapture Hometown - Orna Taiwan Unofficial Cross-Factions Event


[TWDDL]ewind and [XMS]Qianheli, two biggest dukes in Taiwan and countless players work together to welcome new Taiwanese players!

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Hey new players!
Are the dukedoms around you controlled by the old players?
Isn’t it very hard to take control from them?


我還真沒想到中文化會有這麼多人(Gawr Gura, 2021)。

Now, it’s your time to recapture your hometown!
Your voice in the game chat room has been heard.

We didn’t expect to see so many of you to join after localization (Gawr Gura, 2021).


We are going to host the first unofficial cross-factions event in Taiwan - Recapture Hometown on 2021.08.15(UTC+8). In 24 hours on the event day, the old players who participate in this event will switch to tier 5 classes/specializations/items/pets(or naked), so you can have a fair challenge.

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The following are the players agreeing to accept your challenge and they have 30,781 dukedoms in total.

[TWDDL]ewind / 5965 (TWDDL會長) (Monarch of TWDDL)
[XMS]Qianheli / 5372
[XMS]PUIPUI / 3060
[XMS]0857 / 2613
[XMS]Gawr Gura / 2519
Taiwan PixiuuixiP / 2326
[TWDDL]kaca / 1945
[TW 1st]Hakuna matata / 1773 (TW 1st會長)(Monarch of TW 1st)
[XMS]Windumat / 1683
LovinCatnip / 1433
[XMS]AV8D / 1124 (澎湖王說他很歡迎大家來澎湖找他玩!)
[XMS]Crabur / 968

願意參與活動的會長(Monarchs in this event: )
[TW 1st]Hakuna matata

註1:如果您也願意捐地,請來Discord中文頻道中,"跨陣營活動"子頻道找白目發起人Taiwan PixiuuixiP報名(並告知有多少領地可捐)!同意捐地者我們將會列名在活動記錄(就這篇,列名以遊戲ID為主,並以領地多寡作為排序),並且會去Reddit /Orna發表文章,向全世界分享我們的活動!(捐地玩家當天若遇公會戰等事件,可自行切換職業)

PS1: If you are willing to accept the challenge to donate your dukedoms, please come to discord channel - Orna Taiwan and talk to the event hoster - Taiwan PixiuuixiP. We will put your name on the list.



PS3: Be safe when you're out there and conquest. Please follow the terms of service.


PS4: Go get them, Boss!
I already turn my notification off! :P

註5:讓我們再次感謝翻譯組([XMS]Gawr Gura、[XMS]PUI PUI、[XMS]Lstron、[TWDDL]Megumin <aka [POT]Rimuru>、[TWU]IamSkyBlue、[TWDDL]MaMaMeeYa、Name),在他們做了一年的義工後,讓中文版在2021年的4月上線!

PS5: We really appreciate the Chinese Translation team. ([XMS]Gawr Gura、[XMS]PUI PUI、[XMS]Lstron、[TWDDL]Megumin<aka [POT]Rimuru>、[TWU]IamSkyBlue、[TWDDL]MaMaMeeYa 、Name) According to their effort, the Chinese Version is online in April, 2021.

我絕對不會告訴大家某個250說他活動隔天要帶一隻寵物狗然後改名成John Wick把他所有被打掉的領地都追殺收回XD

特別感謝 Special Thanks

翻譯(Translator):[XMS]Tako Sama