# Member Shares Proposal <img src="https://i.imgur.com/pwllxIO.png" height="400px" /> #### Context Proposal for additional shares for work on the Lithium Finance React/CSS Raid from Aug. 23, 2021 - Sept 17, 2021. This Raid has been shipped. #### Details ``` Member = dtolsen Requesting = 311 shares Tribute = 1555 WXDAI Raid = Lith.Finance React/CSS (ID: recXvywRvsH5MG4iF) Date = Sept 17, 2021 ``` #### Calculations ``` Received Total of = 7776 WXDAI 20% of 7776 WXDAI = 1555.20 WXDAI Value of 1 share = 5 WXDAI Value of 311 shares = 1555 WXDAI ``` #### References - [Payment Transaction - Milestone 1](https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/tx/0xb5a1c40bde9e03e9d41d0e4430c49ad23ff9b10401cf6e073fbfa756fd3f8482) - [Payment Transaction - Milestone 2](https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/tx/0x4991988f19aed665bb62d393de7e7e51557bec6488320f03cdf06f93c8055058) - [Payment Transaction - Milestone 3](https://blockscout.com/xdai/mainnet/tx/0x519b3632344f163930087fa44e05cc49f9615c25c7afd0c0f54ef04ebe9badb8) - [Raid Proposal](https://hackmd.io/@pixelranchio/r1OhwJqxt)