Phil Huang


Joined on Aug 21, 2016

  • # Swagger 2.4.12 Generator Installtion ## Installation Steps ```bash # Allow Firewall firewall-cmd --list-all firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=81/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload firewall-cmd --list-all # Download and run podman pull podman run --rm -d -e GENERATOR_HOST=http://quay.misc.internal/api/v1/discovery \ -p 81:8080 \ # open http://<IP>:81 ``` ## References - [Installation D
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  • # OpenStack Adv. Networking Homework ## Prerequisite ```bash # Install necessary packages yum install git vim zsh tmux ansible -y git clone .momorc && cd ~/.momorc ./ # Switch to tmux tmux # Generate SSH Key ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N "" export PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/" echo $PUBLIC_KEY # Clone Ansible Skeleton cd ~/ git clone bastion && cd ~/bastion # Put inventory i
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  • # Deploying applications on Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh ## Environment - OpenShift 4.2.7 (3 master + 3 compute) - Installd Operators (in istio-service) ![]( ## Prerequisite - [OpenShift Service Mesh - Istio installation and configuration][1] - [ does not work #11854][5] ## Test Applications 1. bookinfo (using Deployment) ![]( ```bash oc new-project bookinfo oc apply -n bookinfo -f https://raw.githubuse
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  • # Adv. Storage Homework Acme Consolidated has engaged with Red Hat to implement an OpenStack environment. They have defined the following implementation criteria; ## A single RHOSP 13 Controller Node running the core RHOSP services with two RHOSP 13 Compute nodes * [x] The workstation node root user should have a properly configured keystonerc_admin file for administrative access to the OpenStack cluster ```bash root@workstation-f8c3 ~(keystone_admin)$ cat keystonerc_admin unset OS_SERVICE_
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  • # Ceph Performance - NFS v4.2 + FIO Randon Write ```bash mount -t nfs -o vers=4.2 /mnt fio --name=randwrite --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=1 --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --direct=0 --size=256M --numjobs=2 --runtime=240 --group_reporting ``` ![]( - CephFS using FUSE ```bash ceph-fuse -m /mnt fio --name=randwrite --ioengine=libaio --iodepth=1 --rw=randwrite --bs=4k --direct=0 --size=256M --numjobs=2 --runtime=240 --group_reporting
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  • # Secure Docker Registry Architecture Guide [toc] ## Objective > This topic provides basic information about deploying and configuring a secure registry. ## System Specification - Hostname - rhel7.misc.local - IP Address - - Software - docker-distribution 2.6.2 - rhel 7.7 - skopeo 0.1.37 ## Installation Guide ```bash # Install docker-distribution yum -y install docker-distribution # Setup configuration cat << EOF > /etc/docker-distribution/registry/config.yml --- versi
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