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EIP-7251 MaxEB Breakout Call #5 - Apr 9, 2024

Next call: Tuesday Apr 16 @ 1200 UTC.
See PM issue for details:

Please reach out to all stakeholders to participate in these calls to voice any concerns and clarify specification for downstream staking pools/entities!

Previous Notes:


  • Debate continues between beacon chain operation vs. execution initiated.

Additional notes from Lido

  • Current design is not ready for consolidation. Multiple places where healthy validators are assumed to be near 32 ETH effective balance.
  • Validators are not actually fungible, even under the same withdrawal key
  • If we do beacon chain operation for consolidations (no gatekeeping or initiations from execution layer), we will need to upgrade in two steps:
    • Step 1: Safeguard accounting to prevent breaking if there are accidental consolidations.
    • Step 2: Architectural upgrade in include maxEB.
  • If we do execution initiated operation for consolidations, we can do the upgrade all at once with everything complete to support.
  • No Consolidation Option: Not a problem if no consolidations are not included with maxEB. They would lose out on some useful features like balancing ETH between operators
  • Lido would prefer that if we cannot ship EL initiated consolidations, it would be preferred that there's no consolidation until Lido is ready for Step 2 in their 2-step upgrade.

Feedback from Mikhail

  • Not sure if we can do execution initiated consolidations in this hard fork.
    • We would need to extend EIP-7002, adding more fields: signature, target, source
    • Or have another smart contract
  • Having no consolidations at all is also an option.

Rocketpool Notes

  • Consolidations don't necessarily break Rocketpool.
    • Minipools are never shared between validators Each pool as its own withdrawal credential.
    • Each withdrawal credential matches 1:1 with each validator
    • Case: Node operator may consolidate minipool to ourside validator. Funds would be safe, metadata would be wrong. Cost of 16 ETH.
  • Today RP would be safe with current consolidation spec
  • Would prefer execution initiated consolidations to limit attack surface
    • CL update is out of protocol.
    • Would probably need outside stuff like oracles to deal with this.
    • EL messages are easier for RP to engage with.
  • Rocketpool minipools will likely not consolidate
  • Median number of validators per node operator is low (2).
  • In the case of top-ups (depositing out of band) it would be seen as a gift to rETH holders because it's all treated as rewards from beacon chain, then splits them between rETH holders and node operators
  • Smart contracts today wouldn't be able to use maxEB properly.
  • Looking to support in next version
  • Compounding is good for rETH holders to bring up yield
  • Deposit flow for changing validators to 0x02 compounding is not ideal. Out of protocol and RP would see it as a reward for rETH holders.
  • No Consolidation Option: Rocketpool indicated this would not affect them. Unlikely validators there will use this feature.


  • It's widely agreed upon that for adoption of EIP-7251, consolidations need to be included.
  • Note that it will require more work on some of these staking protocols (e.g. Lido), so adoption may be slower.
  • Pending additional feedback from other stakeholders, beacon chain operation (as current in spec) is going forward at least for devnet-0 until more feedback is considered.

Custom Ceilings

  • None of the pools yet have a strong opinion on this

  • Helps solo stakers mostly

  • Leaving this feature out would reduce complexity

  • Concern: Using the EL withdraw request heavily if we don't implement.

    • Target requests = 2 requests per block
    • Functions similarly to EIP-1559 dynamics
    • Fee would grow quite quickly with a large number of requests
    • How heavily will EL partial withdrawal queues be used by staking pools?


As of right now, there is not a lot of demand for including this as the benefits are minimal and increases complexity of implementation. Please speak up (solo validators!) if this is important to you.

Weak Subjectivity in Top-Ups

Please see Francesco's PR:


Under reviews, will likely get merged.

Preparation for pectra-devnet-0

  • There is agreement amongst teams to implement EIP-7251 as is currently in the spec, while in parallel getting more feedback to above design changes.
  • We will need be more firm as there is a timeline of 1 month to prepare for devnet.
  • Please speak up if you have opinions!
  • Please share and see explanations we require the staking community to provide feedback on! EIP-7251 for Staking Pool Operators