# Lodestar Setup for Kiln🔥🧱 Public Testnet
Setting up Lodestar for the Kiln testnet is as simple as configuring a variable file and running a setup command. Our setup script will take care of most of the configuration for you.
Reference: https://github.com/ChainSafe/lodestar/tree/master/kiln/devnets
## Setup Instructions
### Prerequistes
You will need to have the following installed:
1. Docker
2. Git
3. Bash shell
### Install Docker Engine (if required)
We must install Docker Engine to run the images on your local machine.
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
$(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
If you're prompted to add new packages, press `y`.
sudo docker run hello-world
### Clone our Repository
git clone https://github.com/ChainSafe/lodestar.git
### Edit the Kiln variables file
Navigate to the kiln.vars file
cd lodestar/kiln/devnets
Use a text editor like `nano` to edit the kiln.vars file
nano kiln.vars
Inside the kiln.vars file, you can add, remove or modify configurations related to the execution layer client you intend to use, Lodestar beacon configurations and the validator configurations.
### If running validators (optional)
Ensure you edit the `LODESTAR_VALIDATOR_ARGS=` by replacing the mnemonic under `--fromMnemonic` and the `--mnemonicIndexes` in the format that is provided.
## Startup Instructions
### Run the script with arguments
cd kiln/devnets
./setup.sh --dataDir kiln-data --elClient geth --devnetVars ./kiln.vars [--dockerWithSudo --withTerminal "gnome-terminal --disable-factory --" --withValidator]
##### Example scenarios
1. Run with separate terminals launched & attached (best for testing in local) :
`./setup.sh --dataDir kiln-data --elClient nethermind --devnetVars ./kiln.vars --withTerminal "gnome-terminal --disable-factory --" --dockerWithSudo `
2. Run _in-terminal_ attached with logs interleaved (best for testing in remote shell) :
`./setup.sh --dataDir kiln-data --elClient nethermind --devnetVars ./kiln.vars --dockerWithSudo`
3. Run detached (best for leaving it to run, typically after testing 1 or 2):
`./setup.sh --dataDir kiln-data --elClient nethermind --devnetVars ./kiln.vars --detached --dockerWithSudo`
You can alternate between `geth` and `nethermind` to experiment with the ELs being out of sync ( and catching up) with `lodestar`.
## Script Parameters Help
1. `dataDir`: Where you want the script and client's configuration data to be setup. Should be non-existent one for the first run. (The directory if already present will skip fetching the configuration, assuming it has done previously). You can also clean indivizual directories of CL/EL between the re-runs.
2. `elClient`: Which EL client you want, currently working with `geth` or `nethermind` or `ethereumjs`
3. `devnetVars`: Contains the configuration specific to a devnet, like images, or urls for EL/CL to interact. Will be updated with new vars.
4. `dockerWithSudo`(optional): Provide this argument if your docker needs a sudo prefix
5. `--withTerminal`(optional): Provide the terminal command prefix for CL and EL processes to run in your favourite terminal.
You may use an alias or a terminal launching script as long as it waits for the command it runs till ends and then closes.If not provided, it will launch the docker processes in _in-terminal_ mode.
6. `--detached`(optional): By default the script will wait for processes and use user input (ctrl +c) to end the processes, however you can pass this option to skip this behavior and just return, for e.g. in case you just want to leave it running.
7. `--withValidator` (optional): Launch a validator client using `LODESTAR_VALIDATOR_ARGS` as set in the devnet vars file.
Only one of `--withTerminal` or `--detached` should be provided.