# Phala Community Bounty Program (International) ###### tags: `论坛` # About Phala Community Bounty Quests Phala is the 1st confidential smart contract in Polkadot ecosystem. Applying TEE--Blockchain Hybrid Architecture, Phala contract will run in local TEEs to support a highly-efficient, breach-proof, and developer-friendly network, by integrating which devs would be able to build data-protecting apps and webs. Before starting, community activity would be crucial: the more the number of TEE providers (miners), the stabler the network would be. Besides, for non-miner users, they also need to learn Phala's vision and function in a quick and easy way. Here comes Phala Community Bounty Quests: a guidebook, a collection, and a small little game :) # How to Participate 1. Pick the quests 2. Participate 3. Fill in the reward claim form # Quest I. For Newcomers [Reward claim form of Quest I](https://forms.gle/CALjFKzVxTZcLg1EA) ### 1.01 Join Phala community ------------ 1PHA - Telegram: https://t.me/phalanetwork - Discord: https://discord.gg/mSzKxSC > screenshot only one of them to submit Local Community: - Phala Russian: https://t.me/PhalaRussian ### 1.1 Follow Phala accounts ------------ 1PHA - Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhalaNetwork - Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/PhalaNetwork - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phalanetwork/ > screenshot only one of them to submit ### 1.2 Make Phala logo complete ------------ 2PHA Draw out the missing part. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJdPPlB3L.png) ### 1.3 Fill in a Questionaire ------------ 2PHA link of questionaire ### 1.4 Watch a video ------------ 2PHA Watch a video about Phala's pilot product: [W3A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwD6G233SsU&feature=youtu.be), and write your comments down below the Youtube page. ### 1.5 Read an article ------------ 2PHA Read the article: https://medium.com/phala-network, and ask a question in Phala forum. # Quest II: Try Phala Testnet follow the [instructions](https://forum.phala.network/t/topic/54/8), and claim 5 PHA # Quest III: Play Phala Q&A Chain 1. Go [link]() 2. Answer the question thrown by your upper floor 3. Ask a new question # Quest IV: Contents Creation ### 3.1 Create text art about Phala ### 3.2 Blogging # Quest X: Not Easy Tasks - SGX Test for Miners and Gatekeepers - 100 PHA - Apply Phala Helper - 250 PHA