Talking Letters: ACTIVITY 2 - Typeset me

ගාලු සාහිත්‍ය උළෙල - 2017 2007 වසරේ අරඹා වාර්ෂිකව පවත්වනු ලබන ජාත්‍යන්තර මට්ටමේ ශ්‍රී ලාංකීය සාහිත්‍ය උළෙල මෙවර ඉංග්‍රීසි, සිංහල ද්වී භාෂාවෙන්ම 2017 ජනවාරි 11 සිට 15 දක්වා ගාලු කොටුවේදී පැවැත්වේ. ජනවාරි 11, 12, 13 සහ 15 දිනවල ඉංග්‍රීසි මාධ්‍ය වැඩසටහන් සහ ජනවාරි 14 මුලු දිනය පුරා සිංහල මාධ්‍ය වැඩසටහන් පැවැත්වේ.
ජනවාරි 14 වැනිදා සිංහල වැඩසටහන “20 වෙනි සහ 21 වෙනි සියවස් වල සිංහල සාහිත්‍යය සහ ජාත්‍යන්තර සාහිත්‍යය අතර අැති සබඳතා” යන තේමාව යටතේ ගාලු කොටුවේ සමුද්‍ර කෞතුකාගාර පරිශ්‍රයේදී එදින උදෑසන 9.00 සිට සවස 4.30 දක්වා පැවැත්වේ. වැඩසටහන සාකච්ඡා, කාව්‍ය විචාර, පරිවර්තන විචාර සහ කෙටි චිත්‍රපට දර්ශන වලින් සමන්විත වන අතර සහභාගීත්වය සඳහා කිසිඳු අයකිරීමක් නැත.සහභාගීත්වය -අනුක් අරුද්ප්‍රගාසම්, අශෝක් ෆෙරී, චන්න දාස්වත්ත, නිහාල් සේනානායක, දිලීප අබේසේකර, ඉස්මෙත් රහීම්, ජයන්ති කුරු-උතුම්පාල, ජොහාන් පීරිස්, කපිල කුමාර කාලිංග, කිෂානි ජයසිංහ, ලියනගේ අමරකීර්ති, නයෝමි මුණවීර, පාලින්ද කන්නංගර, පියසීලි විජේමාන්න, පියල් කාරියවසම්, ෂෙහාන් කරුණාතිලක, සුනේත්‍රා රාජකරුණානායක, සුනිලා ගලප්පත්ති, මාලතී කල්පනා ඇම්බ්‍රෝස්, ජීන් අර්සනායගම්, ත්‍යාගරාජා අර්සනායගම්, ඉසුරු චාමර, ශ්‍යාම් දිසානායක, කුවින්ටස් ප්‍රනාන්දු, ඉලංගෛ තමිලන්, එරික් ඉලයප්ආරච්චි, ප්‍රභාත් ජයසිංහ, සුනන්ද කරුණාරත්න, තීනා කුමාරගුණරත්න, සේපාලි මායාදුන්නේ, ටෙනිසන් පෙරේරා, සමන් වික්‍රමාරච්චි, නන්දා පෙතියාගොඩ වනසුන්දර සහ තවත් දෙස් විදෙස් ලේඛක ලේඛිකාවන්, කවීන්, විචාරකයින් රැසක් සමඟ දෙස් විදෙස් සාහිත්‍ය රසික ජනතාව
උළෙල ගැන වැඩි විස්තර උළෙලේ වෙබ් පිටුවෙන් සහ වැඩසටහන් පෙළගැස්මෙන් ලබාගත හැක. (

GAZETTE OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA – 07.04.2017 Trade Marks Office All communications relating to Trade marks should be addressed to the Registrar of Patents and Trade Marks, Registry of Patents and Trade Marks, 3rd Floor, “Samagam Medura”, No. 444, D. R. Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10. Hours of Inspection The office shall be open to the public for inspection of the Register on every working day from 9 a. m. to 2.30 p. m. Applications for inspection of the Register will, However be accepted up to 3 p. m. on working days. Trade Mark Notices Trade Marks Limited to Colours Where it is stated in the advertisements of an application that the markupon its registration to be limited to certain colours, are market in the usual heraldic manner. Association Where it is stated that an advertised mark is to be associated under section 112 of the Code of intellectual Property Act. No. 52 of 1979 with another mark, it is indicated by its official OPPOSITION NOTICE is hereby given that any person who has grounds of objection to the registration of the following Trade Service or Collective Marks may, within thee months from the date of this Gazette, lodge Notice of Opposition on Form M2 (together with a duplicate copy thereof). The fee for such Notice of opposition is Rs. 2,220, payable in Cash or by Cheque, Money Order, Postal Order or Bank Draft. (1) Mark No.: 135281; (2) Date of Receipt: 29/09/2006; (3) Priority claimed:- T200602380, FI, 22/08/2006, false; (4) Name and address of the applicant: Konecranes Global Corporation Koneenkatu, 8. FI-05830 Hyvinkaa, Finland; (5) Address for service in the Island: M/s. Julius & Creasy, P.O. Box 154, Colombo; (6) Class: 37; (7) Goods or services: 37 Building construction; repair; installation services; industrial maintenance service, installation, maintenance repair and modernization of mechanical and electrical equipment; (8) Representation of the mark: This mark will be associated with Mark No.93021 and with 133663 if and when it is registered. This mark is restricted to the colour “Red”. GEETHANJALI R. RANAWAKA, Director General of Intellectual Property. National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka, Colombo. 20th October, 2014. 04 – 126/1 – Gazette No. 2,014 of 07.04.2017. —————————— (1) Mark No.: 153173; (2) Date of Receipt: 16/11/2009; (3) Priority claimed:- 30 2009 041 201.4./ 28/08/2009/DE; (4) Name and address of the applicant: ThyssenKrupp AG Altendorfer Str - 120, 45143 Essen, Germany; (5) Address for service in the Island: Murugesu & Neelakandan (Attorneys-at-Law & Notaries Public), M & N Building, (Level 5), No. 2, Deal Place, Colombo 03; (6) Class: 35; (7) Goods or services: 35 Personnel management; temporary employee assignment; business management consultancy and organization consultancy; analysis of business processes; business management; business administration; investigations into business matters; bookkeeping; office functions; and some other goods or services (May refer to the file if necessary); (8) Representation of the mark: This mark is associated with trade Mark No. 92628. This mark is restricted to the colours “Blue, Grey, White, Black”. GEETHANJALI R. RANAWAKA, Director General of Intellectual Property. National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka, Colombo. 10th July, 2015. 04 – 126/2 – Gazette No. 2,014 of 07.04.2017. —————————— (1) Mark No.: 156389; (2) Date of Receipt: 23/06/2010; (3) Priority claimed:—; (4) Name and address of the applicant: Akzo Nobel N.V. Velperweg 76, 6824 BM I ෙකʣටස : (III) ෙඡදය - ɼ ලංකා ȝජාතාǦƵක සමාජවාǏ ජනරජෙɏ ගැසŸ පƴය - 2017.04.07 643 PART I : SEC. (III) – GAZETTE OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA – 07.04.2017 ARNHEM, Netherlands; (5) Address for service in the Island: M/s. Julius & Creasy, P.O. Box 154, Colombo; (6) Class: 40; (7) Goods or services: 40 Treatment of materials; paint mixing services; coloring and tinting services for paints, varnishes, lacquers and stains; providing information and giving advice on mixing paints and on coloring paints, varnishes, lacquers and stains; (8) Representation of the mark: GEETHANJALI R. RANAWAKA, Director General of Intellectual Property. National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka, Colombo. 06th March, 2015. 04 – 126/3 – Gazette No. 2,014 of 07.04.2017. —————————— (1) Mark No.: 156528; (2) Date of Receipt: 29/06/2010; (3) Priority claimed:—; (4) Name and address of the applicant: Akzo Nobel N.V. Velperweg, 76, 6824 BM Arnhem, Netherlands; (5) Address for service in the Island: M/s. Julius & Creasy, P.O. Box 154, Colombo; (6) Class: 40; (7) Goods or services: 40 Treatment of materials; paint mixing services; coloring and tinting services for paints, varnishes, lacquers and stains providing information and giving advice on mixing paints and on coloring paints, varnishes, lacquers and stains; (8) Representation of the mark: GEETHANJALI R. RANAWAKA, Director General of Intellectual Property. National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka, Colombo. 29th January, 2015. 04 – 126/4 – Gazette No. 2,014 of 07.04.2017. —————————— (1) Mark No.: 157330; (2) Date of Receipt: 10/08/2010; (3) Priority claimed:—; (4) Name and address of the applicant: Ahmed I. Malaika Corporation, P.O. Box 14522, Jeddah 21434, United Arab Emirates; (5) Address for service in the Island: J.V.Gokal Ceylon (Pvt) Ltd, No.70, Sedawatte Road, Wellampitiya; (6) Class: 30; (7) Goods or services: 30 Tea; (8) Representation of the mark: GEETHANJALI R. RANAWAKA, Director General of Intellectual Property. National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka, Colombo. 04th January, 2016. 04 – 126/5 – Gazette No. 2,014 of 07.04.2017. —————————— (1) Mark No.: 160881; (2) Date of Receipt: 18/02/2011; (3) Priority claimed:—; (4) Name and address of the applicant: Oceaneeds (Pvt) Ltd, No. 1, Alfred House Avenue, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka; (5) Address for service in the Island: Bussinessmate PVT Ltd, No. 45, Braybrooke Street, Colombo 02.; (6) Class: 39; (7) Goods or services: 39 Clearing & forwarding of cargo; (8) Representation of the mark: The registration of this mark shall give no rights to the exclusive use of the word “OCEAN”, separately and apart from the mark & device of “Ship” and other Word “COLOMBO”. This mark is restricted to the colour “Blue”. GEETHANJALI R. RANAWAKA, Director General of Intellectual Property. National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka, Colombo. 27th November, 2015. 04 – 126/6 – Gazette No. 2,014 of 07.04.2017. —————————— (1) Mark No.: 161261; (2) Date of Receipt: 01/03/2011; (3) Priority claimed:—; (4) Name and address of the applicant: Marine Survey & Technology Services (Private) Limited No.01, Alfred House Avenue, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka; (5) Address for service in the Island: Bussinessmate PVT Ltd, No.45, Braybrooke Street, Colombo 02; (6) Class: 39; (7) Goods or services: 39 Marine engineering & assembling and manufacturing of diesel engines and all other internet combustion engines and prime movers; (8) Representation of the