# g0v.network: Services Inventory The purpose of this document is to sketch out practices for sharing what services exist and who has access to each. ## Contents 1. [Privacy](#privacy) 2. [Credentials](#credentials) 2. [Services](#services) ## Privacy The following is a statement of per-user privacy expectations for personally identifying information in this document. (Particularly relevant if we ever move information from here to more open-access locations (First-name permissions are implied unless stated otherwise.) - Patrick Connolly :white_check_mark: Fully public: @username. First-last names. Emails. :no_entry_sign: Nothing. ## Credentials Privileged credentials are stored in [a restricted Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sTsjzXTGKtCMK5HK2VZzZUMXTe6iJ1zAogbnp95giLk/edit#). Should you feel that you need access, please make a request in the organizers' Slack channel, `#vnyc` Access is listed in the entry below under "Credentials GDoc" ## Services **Legend** :star: Services using shared passwords (see [above](#credentials)) :white_check_mark: Access list is complete :question: Needs confirmation :trophy: Elevated privileges :money_with_wings: Consider upgrading to paid version :microscope: Experimental / Testing --- * Airtable :white_check_mark: 2017-12-13 * @devin :trophy::trophy: * @dzn :trophy: * @itsmisscs :trophy: * @kate :trophy: * @lizbarry :trophy: * @patcon :trophy: * Appear.in (rooms) * [`vnyc`](appear.in/vnyc) * @itmisscs * [`vnetwork`](appear.in/vnetwork) * @patcon * Cloudflare :star: * `g0v.network` * @patcon * Credentials GDoc (see [above](#Credentials)) :white_check_mark: 2017-08-24 * @devin * @dzn * @itsmisscs * @lizbarry * @patcon * Discourse * [Composites Collective](soul.compositescollective.com) * [PDIS](talk.pdis.nat.gov.tw) * Email aliases (forwards to/from) * `vnetwork@sarapis.org` (Managed by @devin) * patrick.c.connolly@gmail.com * @devin * Flickr * Users * [Composites Collective](https://www.flickr.com/photos/156915923@N04) * itsmisscs * ForwardMX :star::microscope: * `g0v.network` * [GitHub](https://github.com/g0v-network) * @patcon :trophy: * @itsmisscs :trophy: * @ebarry :trophy: * @devinbalkind :trophy: * @DZNarayanan :trophy: * [+ general members](https://github.com/orgs/g0v-network/people) * Google Analytics * @patcon :trophy: * Google Groups * `g0v-network` * patcon :trophy: * devin :trophy: * itsmisscs :trophy: * lizbarry :trophy: * dzn :trophy: * [Graph Commons](graphcommons.com) * _Each person has their own account (graphs are shared)_ * Graphs * [`g0v-tw#general-en` Slack channel](https://graphcommons.com/graphs/d6693b08-a025-439d-a813-d508f40c838b) * @patcon * @publiclab (Liz Barry) * Heroku * `nyc-g0v-network` * @patcon :trophy: * Mailchimp * g0vNetwork * vnetwork@sarapis.org :trophy::trophy: * @patcon :trophy: * MayFirst.org * DNS and email * access: * access * itsmisscs * patcon * devin * Email aliases * `nobodies@g0v.network` * @lizbarry * @patcon * @dzn * @itsmisscs * `nyctraining@g0v.network` * @devin * @lizbarry * @patcon * @dzn * @itsmisscs * Pol.is * RealtimeBoard * [Resilient Conversations](https://realtimeboard.com/app/board/o9J_k0Yh6pA=/) * Composites Collective :trophy: * @lizbarry * @patcon * [Slack](https://g0v-tw.slack.com/) * _Not managed by us._ * > [name=patcon] Let's add at least one g0v admin. * [Trello](https://trello.com/g0vnetwork) * See: [Members page](https://trello.com/g0vnetwork/members) * Twitter :star: * [`@g0vNetwork`](https://twitter.com/g0vNetwork) * @patcon * Vimeo :star::question: * [Composites Collective](https://vimeo.com/user71862673) * @itsmisscs * Domain Names (DNS) * Amazon Web Services: Route53 * `g0v.network` * @patcon * `c4nada.ca` * @patcon * `g0v.ca` * @patcon * `t0ronto.ca` * @patcon