# International Civic Tech Call (Russia-Ukraine) The **purpose** of this resource is to track notes for calls amongst members of international #civictech communities, regarding opportunities to support those directly affected by the Ukraine-Russian conflict (with secondary purpose of disseminating info locally). :::info If you are reading this, then you're welcome to contribute to this doc and join any calls :hammer_and_pick: ::: Meeting link: [`link.civictech.ca/gathertown`](https://link.civictech.ca/gathertown) --- **Table of Contents** [TOC] --- ## 2022-02-27 When? Sun, Feb 27 @ 10:30 ET / 12:30am Japan / 11:30pm Taiwan (45 min) Who's here? bess (@taiwan), dai (@japan), patcon (@canada) Where? https://link.civictech.ca/gathertown **Summary** - #decision will be communicating in `#ukraine` channel of g0v.tw Slack team. Join Slack! https://join.g0v.tw/ - members of g0v community are building a crisis resource for information and contribution opportunities around Ukraine-Russia conflict - https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chihao/ukraine - WIP english translation: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@xminglee/ukraine-en **Notes** - dai: what communities are you in? - pc: 2-3 leading, ~20 involved - pc: today update - hosted polis user group call https://link.g0v.network/pug - joined first twitter space and host is interested in piloting polis - upcoming planning call with https://twitter.com/AkaashMaharaj (twitter space host) - dai: goals for coming weeks? - bess - in g0v we always have some hackmd page for crises or events - we always have some discussion there. lots of information. to let more TW people know the true situation - not much true info in TV news, but most ppl watch that - important bc china wishes to create misinfo, so important to fact-check for us - don't know if we can support more or not - any lessons we can learn from this war. how can TW protect itself - ++ dai. putin becoming weaker. - china also watching, and can learn from putin's mistakes, and make better moves - and DAO Ukraine https://twitter.com/Ukraine_DAO - watching anon activity: can we trust? - bess: very different from civic tech - don't know who they are - pc: for me, anon just an info source (to fact check) and a source to recruit from (participants) - dai: many speaking on social media in japan, seems ok - diff goal in japan than taiwan? - pc: inspired by how g0v reacts in crisis. and maybe coronovirus tech handbook effort. - tried to create similar, but didn't push enough - bess: had meetings for specific systems. - meetings with covid japan to translate websites into japanese - covid pad: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@yitzu/covid-19 - ukraine: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chihao/ukraine - english translation (WIP): https://g0v.hackmd.io/@xminglee/ukraine-en - train crash: https://g0v.hackmd.io/c/20210402TarokoCrash - bess: we have a template for these sorts of crises #todo - heh not ACTUAL TEMPLATE - maybe can try bilingual? can add more - dia: what % speaks english in g0v/tw? bess: not sure. there are some. but we did it for the general people, and there are lots of immigrant labour in Taiwan. - dia: do you spread english websites? what do you do with mandarin pages when you want to show to other countries people? are people negative about machine translation or are you ok? - bess: have lots of ppl to translate into diff languages. but if you wish to help with ML, that's welcome too - pc: cautious about using automation to replace low-hanging opportunities for people to become engaged. translators are also recruiters and they engage in other work after, etc etc - dai: should we create a special channel or keep in general? bess: keep in general for now. - japanese page for JP people. working on my own - https://hackmd.io/@nWKaPeVFSTq39UK6ee8qLg/B1UKczFxc - bess: create separate page - cross-linking from each. front page g0v, and landing page for jp (also linked within g0v page) - bess created new channel `#ukraine` - decide no more daily calls - interest in maybe a weekly call later (will decide later) - #idea pc: help people get access to vkontakte (russian facebook). my old account was deleted, and accused of "suspicious activity" when i try to register again. maybe opportunity to help outsiders (civic tech, journalists, peacekeepers, activists, etc) get in and interact with russian people in their own digital home. - pc: interested to share polis links there - #idea matchmaking service for borrowing vkontakt accounts? ## 2022-02-26 When? Sat Feb 26 @ noon pm ET / 2am Japan (45 min) Who's here? dai (japan), patcon (canada) - at protest. russian nationals. stop swift. stop relations with putin. strongest action in japan. - worried about ukraine prez - intros - startup. specialty math + ML. CEO of company so can control own time. peace is priority for JP. personally, grandma saw hiroshima. - patcon. tech building power between people, instead of within people. - missed - daisuke: visited a town in 2014 of ppl who left russia. not happy with putin. - what's the purpose is this war for regular russians - intervention - hopeful tracks - consensus building across dividse with polis. disrupt reductions - discussion black&white. option to action. appeal to the gov. petition. donation. - name options. - concrete actions are the right for you? normal citizens might be mini actions. cannot dedicate long hours to projects like this. - maybe we could publish idea on hackmd. - make my decision first and then publish. - #idea create a doc hacknight - assign - secretary to copy-paste between - prefer markdown - human bridge - don't code first, do manually - doing - tree structure - toggle UI - old email system. update. when ppl update. old g0v project - centralize hackmd. email updates. - hackmd, copy to gdrive. - daisuke: universal access matters. more ppl. - maybe PDF