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#organizing-canada: What is this?

:link: Shortlink:

The purpose of this document is to help Canadian Civic Tech organizers understand how their special channel, #organizing-canada, works. We also link out to some general resources on Slack bridges, non-specific to this special channel.

If you've found yourself on this page, please do feel free to contribute improvements!

Background Resources


Q: Which Slack teams are connected to #organizing-canada?
A: The following cities from the Canadian civic tech community are connected (:white_check_mark:) or being explored for that possibility (:black_square_button:):

Status City Group Notes
:black_square_button: Calgary, AB CivicTechYYC
:negative_squared_cross_mark: Edmonton, AB BetaCityYEG No Slack team
:white_check_mark: Fredericton, NB Civic Tech Fredericton
:white_check_mark: London, ON :raising_hand: Civic Tech London
:white_check_mark: Ottawa, ON :raising_hand: Ottawa Civic Tech
:white_check_mark: Saint John, NB Civic Tech Saint John Launching late Summer
:white_check_mark: Toronto, ON :raising_hand: Civic Tech Toronto
:white_check_mark: Vancouver, BC :raising_hand: Civic Tech Vancouver
:white_check_mark: Kitchener-Waterloo, ON :raising_hand: Civic Tech Waterloo Region

Q: I have another question. Where do I ask it?
A: Feel free to add it to this doc, or message @patcon on your Slack or on Twitter :smiley: