# 2021 Hands-on Jupyter accessibility workshop
Date: Thursday, December 16th
Starts at 9AM PST ([in your timezone](https://arewemeetingyet.com/Los%20Angeles/2021-12-16/9:00/Jupyter%20Accessibility%20Workshop))
Should end two hours later around 11 AM PST
Location: [event zoom](https://bloomberg.zoom.us/j/94037841114?pwd=TVdySURuQlRWdUdFUmptZkVZT0xSQT09) ([global dial-in options](https://gist.github.com/ohrely/48d5d24e27fde71bc4e93166ed658419))
jupyter is a tool for scientists, but doesn't yet meet the needs of all scientists. this event will increase the visibility and capabilities of accessibility within the jupyter development community.
### attendees
| name | org | username |
| tonyfast | quansight | @tonyfast |
| Jason Weill | AWS | @jweill-aws |
| Martha Cryan | IBM | @marthacryan |
| Piyush Jain | AWS | @3coins |
| Ely | Bloomberg | @ohrely |
| Ahmed Fasih | Bloomberg | @fasiha |
| Frederic Collonval | QuantStack | @fcollonval |
| Gabriel Fouasnon | Quansight | @gabalafou |
| | | |
## objectives
the hands-on accessibility workshop will consider the intersections of accessibility and jupyter. we'll work together to share tools and experience with accessibility. we'll think about what we can do to improve quality of jupyter across the technical spectrum.
our primary theme at this event will be using your system's tools to measure the accessibility of jupyter's retrolab. retrolab's version 7.0 release is meant to improve the accessibility of jupyter, and is our closest offering to being accessible.
attendees will gain tools and confidence to advocate for accessibility concerns during the development of jupyter products.
## attendees
current and aspiring jupyter contributors. all levels of accessiblity experience welcome.
## requirements
* no previous accessibility experience required
* binder will be available for participants without a development setup
* (optional) install the [WAVE browser extension](https://wave.webaim.org/extension/)
## prereading resources (optional)
[numpy accessibility guidelines](https://labs.quansight.org/blog/2021/07/numpy-accessibility-guidelines/)
[mozilla digital accessibility overview](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Accessibility/What_is_accessibility)
## agenda
- [:05-:10] (tony/ely) welcome
- [:10-:17] (ely) [intro to accessibility concepts (prereading recap)](https://hackmd.io/@p5jde6ivTRa6LnqFD8l8wQ/accessibility-concepts)
- [:17-:25] group [digital accessibility quiz](https://digital-accessibility.eu/digital-accessibility-quizzes/quiz-about-developing-for-digital-accessibility/)
- [:25-:30] (tony) why are we here? an introduction the jupyter accessibility initiative [:rabbit: hole](https://nbviewer.org/urls/gist.githubusercontent.com/tonyfast/4cec811eb02f0107dc77f7da564657a2/raw/5c82a09891c408afa0c67979e770003e2cc31c46/2021-12-15-a11y-highlights.md.ipynb)
- [:30-:35] (tony) using WAVE (the web accessibility evaluation tool)
- [:35-:45] (gabriel) accessibility insight inspector and accessibility tree
- [Kate Kalcevich talk: How to fall in love with accessibility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjGFl_zUCws)
- [How to write meaningful links from Princeton](https://accessibility.princeton.edu/how/content/links)
- [Accessibility Insights (browser plugin) from Microsoft](https://accessibilityinsights.io/)
- [:45-1:40] breakout rooms identifying and testing common accessibility problems
- [**qa for a day**](https://hackmd.io/@p5jde6ivTRa6LnqFD8l8wQ/HJllHVZcF) use common tools to diagnose accessibility issues in retrolab
- retrolab file browser auditing
- retrolab notebook auditing
- [alt text documentation break room](https://github.com/deathbeds/retrolab/pull/1)
- [brief primer on writing good alt text to describe images](https://accessibility.huit.harvard.edu/describe-content-images)
- [alt text decision tree](https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/images/decision-tree/)
- [raw retrolab README](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyterlab/retrolab/main/README.md) _needs pr_
- [1:40-2:00] reconvene to share our experiences
## Further rabbit holes :rabbit:
- [List of common accessibility issues](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Tools_and_testing/Cross_browser_testing/Accessibility#common_accessibility_issues)
- [Guidelines for keyboard-navigable JS widgets](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/Keyboard-navigable_JavaScript_widgets#general_guidelines)
- [HTML and Accessibility](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Accessibility/HTML)
- [Professional accessibility audit of jupyterlab](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/9399)
- [Stories of people with disabilities who use the web](https://www.w3.org/WAI/people-use-web/user-stories/)
## TODOs
- [x] agenda
- [x] pre reading documents
- [ ] advertise
- [ ] notebook w(tony)
- [x] lab meeting
- [x] accesibility
- [ ] jupyterhub
- [ ] discourse (ely) https://discourse.jupyter.org/
- [x] binder for the event (tony)
- [x] add to the jupyter calendar (isabela)
- [x] tweet last-minute (isabela)
- [ ] alt text breakout prep (tony/isabela)
- [x] zoom link (ely)
- [x] pick a quiz (ely->tony)
- [ ] exit form (tony)