Down the Rabbithole: Explore Celo === [toc] ![]( > Time: 3+h because bridgine takes a lot of time > Total cost: 62.36+28.48+109.48 > Get: 3.7 CELO and NFT You'll learn how to brige to Celo and use a new bridge this time + lots of standard DEX activities + Pooltogether! # Preparation ![]( Pooltogether seems to do better for CEUR, so I'll need to get some of that ![]( CELO-MOBI pool has >1M and 266% APY. This is pretty good so I'm comfortable with bridging a fair amount of ETH. 0.5 ETH gets my 375.75CELO ## Plan 1. Bridge to CELO 2. 70CELO will be to pooltogether, 300CELO to pooling 3. 70 CELO to CEUR on sushiwap 4. 150 to MOBI Ubeswap That way I can cover all the tasks ## Bridging [Rabbithole made a tutorial to follow]( I was curious that we're still using Metamask because Celo is supposed to be mobile first. Well, thankfully it still works! First, you need some CELO, it can be both on Sushiswap quite easily! *Cost 62.36USD in gas* ![]( Using the Optics bridge, make sure you specify correctly! *Cost 137.96USD in gas* ![]( And now, we wait. It says bridging will take 2-5 hours! ![]( Done! 8:05AM for me which means it took ~3H ![]( # Task: Swap any token on Ubeswap So first, go to [Ubeswap]( and select the pair you want. Approve Ubeswap to make transactions. ![]( Execute the swap! ![]( # Task: Provide liquidity on Ubeswap Go to [Ubeswap's farms]( there you can find all the LPs. I went to the Liquidity pool I wanted, approved Ubeswap to spend my Mobi. ![]( Provided liquidity! ![]( # Task: Swap any token on Sushiswap CELO Time to use [Sushiwap](, I wanted to carry out my strategy and swapped for cEUR. ![]( Interestingly, the swap used WETH as an intermediary, much like Uniswap ![]( # Task: Deposit into Pooltogether CELO I chose the [cEUR pool]( because it seemed to have the best returns. However, experience tells me that I'll have to be really lucky. ![]( Nevertheless, it's easy to deposit into the cEUR pool ![]( Of course you have to approve Pooltogether to spend your tokens ![]( And that's it you're done! ![]( # Conclusion ![]( Its incredible what the EVM can do once it's freed from gas fees. I don't have to think when I move my funds around in CELO. I'm glad Rabbithole is expanding into L2s, it gives me a reason to try things out!