DAL tutorial cheatsheet



DAL is currently active on:

  • Dailynet (doc): reset everyday
  • Weeklynet (doc): reset every wednesday


Provide an account with money. On the documentation page for each network above, there is a faucet you can use. For example, the one of this week for weeklynet is here.

To be able to commit on a rollup, at least 10k tez are needed. So requiring 20ktez should be more than enough to run a rollup with DAL for a week.

Choose the kernel

Feel free to address suggestions for modifying the current echo kernel into something better for the tutorial.

At the moment, kernels for smart-rollups are written with a Rust SDK. Hence you must have installed the rust toolchain locally. We have a paragraph in the documentation that explains how.

To compile the DAL echo kernel into WASM, you need to compile the SDK and the kernel code.

From your local clone of tezos/tezos, you can run the following commands:

  • make build-kernels-dev-deps: This allows to fetch the dependencies used to compile the Rust kernel SDK
  • make -f kernels.mk dal_echo_kernel.wasm: This allows to compile the echo kernel
  • make -f kernels.mk kernel_sdk: As a side-effects, this enables to compile the smart-rollup installer. This binary is a bootstrap process that allows to load the kernel code onto the rollup node and boot from it (this is a similar process as the floppy disks that Windows was using a long time ago).

The smart-rollup installer reuses the DAC logic. However, we plan in the future to provide a similar UX using the DAL logic instead to provide a full end-to-end decentralised toolchain. Because by using DAC, the code of the kernel is never pushed onto the L1.

Running an octez-node

Nothing too complicated. You can follow the instruction from the network page of dailynet/weeklynet as provided above.

If there are public nodes on weeklynet, we could also try to use public nodes instead, everything should work as expected.

Mind to:

  • Set your git repository on the same commit as the one provided by the network page. For weeklynet of this week it is: 36959547
  • open your RPC server via the option --rpc-addr


  • If you run multiple octez-node on the same machine, you may have to change the port used by the p2p protocol of the octez-node. This can be done via --net-addr option. Feel free to read the documentation for more details
  • If you want to use a specific directory instead of the default one, use the --data-dir option. By doing so, do note you will have to use this option for all the other commands involving the octez-node.

Running an octez-dal-node

To run an octez-dal-node, you need to specify a profile. The profile allows to set the topics of the P2P that will "select" the messages we are interested in. For example a slot producer for slot index 0 only wants to see messages related to the slot index 0 and not 1. Similarly an attester only wants the topics he is interested in.

Read the DAL node manual with octez-dal-node run --help to get more info about the topic available.

./octez-dal-node run
    --producer-profiles 0
    --endpoint <rpc-endpoint-octez-node>

allows to run a DAL node that will track the topics for slot index 0.

Originate rollup

At this stage, the only missing piece before injecting data is to run a rollup using the DAL echo kernel.

This can be done via the smart-rollup kernel installer:

./smart-rollup-installer get-reveal-installer
        --upgrade-to dal_echo_kernel.wasm \
        --output output.hex \
        --preimages-dir wasm_2_0_0

This command will generate a smart-rollup kernel that does two things:

  • Import piece by piece the code of the DAL echo kernel into the memory
  • When done, exec on the DAL echo kernel


  • output.hex is the hexadecimal representation of the installer kernel
  • wasm_2_0_0 is the kind of the PVM and also the folder that will contain the DAL echo kernel split into smaller chunks.
./octez-client --endpoint <node-endpoint> \
    --base-dir <your wallet>
    originate smart rollup echo \
    from <account> \
    of kind wasm_2_0_0 \
    of type unit \
    with kernel `cat output.hex` \
    --burn-cap 2 \


  • No need to provide --base-dir if you used the default one
  • the endpoint is the octez-node endpoint.
  • acount is the acount that will originate the operation
  • output.tex is the file generated by the previous command

At this stage, the rollup is originated onto the L1, and the code of the kernel is in the repository wasm_2_0_0. Next step is to run a smart rollup node that will run the installer kernel, import the chunks of the DAL echo kernel and exec from it.

Running the rollup node

If you don't want to use the default directory of the rollup node, one must be created:

mkdir <my-awesome-rollup-node-directory>

Then you need to import the chunks of the DAL echo kernel in the wasm_2_0_0 directory into the rollup node directory.

If you created an ad-hoc one, the command is:

cp -rf wasm_2_0_0 <my_awesome-directory>/wasm_2_0_0

if you used the default one then

cp -rf wasm_2_0_0 ./tezos-sc-rollup-node/wasm_2_0_0

Now you can run the rollup-node:

./octez-smart-rollup-node --better-errors \
    --base-dir <wallet> \
    --endpoint <octez-node-endpoint> \
      run operator for echo \
      with operators <account> \
    --data-dir <data-dir> \
    --log-kernel-debug \
    --dal-node <octez-dal-node-endpoint>


  • data-dir is optional if you used a different one
  • --dal-node allows to specify the DAL node to fetch the data that will be imported by the kernel later on.

Import data

To import data for the DAL echo kernel, you need to make a slot (of a fixed-length). The length is of size slot-size which is a parametric constant from the economic protocol.

The value slot-size can be obtained via an RPC ./octez-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/constants.

To generate those data, one can use a script:


echo '"' > data.txt
echo $acc >> data.txt

for i in `seq 1 65530`; do printf "00"; done >> data.txt

echo '"' >> data.txt

This script generates data of size 65536, but it needs to be adapted if the slot-size is different.

We have no DAL client yet, so we use curl to make HTTP request to the DAL node.

Step a: Generate a commitment

curl -s -X POST http://localhost:30001/commitments \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data "@data.txt"

We make a POST request to post the data we generated previously.

curl -s -X PUT \
    http://localhost:30001/commitments/<slot_header>/shards \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{"with_proof": true}'

We generate the shards that will be propagated onto the DAL P2P network. Please replace <slot_header> by the result of the previous RPC.

curl -s -X GET \

We generate the proof of the commitment (proving the size of the slot does not exceed slot-size).

Finally, we can inject the commitment:

./octez-client --endpoint <octez-node> \
    --base-dir <wallet> \
    --wait 0 publish dal commitment \
    <slot_header \
    from publisher for slot 0 with proof \

Where <proof> is the result of the previous RPC. When the octez-client returns the commitment has been included into the L1. Now we just have to wait for the DAL to work. We can use Explorus for that: https://beta.explorus.io/dal (select weeklynet).

We can check the content via:

./octez-smart-rollup-client-alpha rpc get \
    '/global/block/head/durable/wasm_2_0_0/value?key=/output/slot-0' | less

Change the slot-0 into the corresponding slot index you have used.