OSM Africa Meeting 1st June, 2020 === ###### tags: Meeting` :::info - **Location:** Mumble, OSM Africa Room - **Date:** June 1, 2020 16:00PM (UTC) - **Agenda** 1. State of the Map Libya Update 2. Country Updates and introduction of new members 3. State of the Map 2020 update 4. AOB - **Participants:** - Geoffrey (Uganda) - Claire (DRC) - Kiggudde (Uganda) - Michael Yani - Idoumou (Mauritania) - Karl (Cameroon) - Sidi - Micheal Yani (South Sudan) - Softmap (Algeria) - Tommy (OSM Sierra Leone) - Faneva - WillyFrankSOB (Cameroon) - Marie (Cameroon) - ELSAEH - AKEAmazen (Togo) - AKOUETE (Togo) - Lusdavo (Uganda - Victor N.Sunday (Nigeria) - Ezugwu Victor (Nigeria) - **Reference:** - ::: ## Notes ## State of the Map Libya Update - We are partnering with 16 universities in Libya - We set up an organization with countries in Northern Africa, to enhance the communities - We are trying to connect to different communities across Africa - We are working with Universities to ensure high quality data - We are working with Universities to have OpenStreetMap in their curriculum when preparing their - We want to create content in multiple languages, which is sup - We have invited 16 universities to be part of the scientific committee for the conference, they will become our ambaassadors Softmap - it may not be very easy to make this approach at University Level. I took a survey with university students. We need to make L ### Country Updates and introduction of new members ### State of the Map Libya Update **Uganda - Deogratias** I have been mapping around my place. The OSM Community in Uganda has received a Microgrant from HOT for COVID-19 mapping, border towns in Uganda. **South Sudan** We are working with volunteers who are interested in Mapping south Sudan. Ours is a new community, we are also winners of HOT Microgrant in 2020, training refugees in based in Uganda. Because of COVID-19, it has delayed our activities. **Cameroun** WillyFrank. We are using sentinel and machine learning. We want to use AI in mapping, but it needs good resolution imagery. Our country will be the first country to do landuse mapping for the whole country. We have built a group to control the quality. We are also involving some experts in the country. Cameroon has 95% of the African soil in one country. - We will be producing a wikipage about the project - We are trying to do it for the whole country **Algeria** Me and my friends are mapping, we are focusing on points of interest and roads. - We met in a mutual group on facebook, everyone lives in a different city **Madagascar** We dont have any activity because of COVID-19. There is a webinar with the OSM Community in Madagascar happening in June. **Togo** AKE. Because of covid we dont have any activies. OSM Togo started in 2015, and we have done a lot of activities, and projects on mapping. We have around 50 members who are regular **Nigeria** Victor: We have had several online trainings with our community members. - If the design is made available, we can eeasily do the printing **DRC** We are preparing a data import ## State of the Map 2020 update Geoffrey: State of the Map 2020 was meant to happen in Cape Town in South Africa, but because of COVID-19 it was changed into a virtual online conference happening on 3rd-4th July 2020 - This is an opportunity to mobilize our OSM communities to join this free online conference - There is a call for posters, which you can take advantage of to showcase your work https://2020.stateofthemap.org/calls/posters/ - There will be conference Tshirts, if you want to get involved in the distribution of the Tshirts, add your name to the Wiki here https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/State_of_the_Map_2020/Tshirt_shop_organization ### AOB - To request for your OSM Community to be set up as an organization on the HOT Tasking manager, fill this [Tasking Manager Request Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5uZ062CPP0AbfsOBVeJimbZdLbc-ywT1gtBhT-On8chW8PQ/viewform)