# Troublemaker (minor roundstart antag) ## Abstract NOTE: This design doc is pending complete rewrite. Reason: progression traitor is likely to be completely changed soon, and the original purpose of the troublemaker may no longer matter. The "troublemaker" is a new minor antag that is intended to stir up low-level conflict and provide a smokescreen to other, more serious antags by having similar objectives to them. At the start of the round, a number of troublemakers are drafted depending on the crew population, potentially including zero. They do not consume threat, and interact as little as possible with the dynamic system. They have 1-3 objectives, at least one of which *always* duplicates a more serious antag type's objective. Finally, troublemaker status does *not* prevent someone from becoming a different antag later via the dynamic system. ## Goals 1. Provide a "nuisance"-level antagonist that is still mostly on the side of the crew, for variety. 2. Give an extra source of minor trouble/conflict for the crew and security to worry about, without being excessively disruptive. 3. Give plausible deniability for low-level antag objectives, such as early Traitor objectives, to disconnect actions such as "putting up rude posters" from the foregone conclusion of "will try to kill you and blow up the station later". ## Non-Goals 1. Consume dynamic threat. The troublemaker is explicitly a nuisance and should not waste the game's actual antagonism resources. By the same token, troublemakers can become real antags with midround rolls. 2. Make another violent antag. Troublemakers, being partly crew-sided, are *not* allowed to be excessively violent or destructive and should not be killing people except in self-defense. 3. Have obviously unique objectives. People shouldn't be easily able to catch a troublemaker and easily say "this is a troublemaker, so I can ignore them". 4. Have an antagonist that ignores their job to pursue objectives. Troublemakers are still part of the crew, and should not shirk their job entirely. ## Mechanics At the start of a round, a minimum of 0 and a maximum based on the current population (max 3 ever?) of troublemakers are drafted. This occurs *after* other antagonists are selected, so as not to overwrite troublemakers with real antags and the like. They are *only* selected at roundstart; there are no midround troublemakers. Troublemaker status is special among antags - it does not stop you from getting a midround antagonist roll. If this happens, troublemaker status is *removed* and replaced with the new type. Any special troublemaker equipment is not removed, though, which may lead to fun circumstances such as a heretic carrying evil traitor posters around. Troublemakers are, other than whatever is outlined in their objectives, explicitly crew-sided. They are not allowed to escalate past what is reasonable, but by the same token, they should not be getting murdered by the crew for anything they are doing. ## Objectives * Theft objectives: * The Bartender's shotgun * A fire axe * A mech removal tool * The Chaplain's null rod * The clown's shoes * A head of staff's telescopic baton * Cargo's departmental budget * The captain's antique laser gun * A hand teleporter * The captain's jetpack * Pets * Traitor objectives: * Steal (plant bug) * Demoralize (posters) * Demoralize (graffiti) * Destroy heirloom * Kill pet * Sabotage machinery (bomb variant) * Calling card (do NOT kill, but plant one if you find a dead body) * Other objectives: * Something emulating heretic activity? * Hit people with a fake changeling scream * Plant fake runes (heretic, wizard) to scare people * Hack telecomms to play a fake "antag has arrived" warning