# Xenoarchaeologist (New Research Job) ## Abstract The Xenoarchaeologist is a new job in the Research department, focused on the retrieval and research of artifacts from Lavaland (and Icemoon). The xenoarchaeologist travels to the mining world, seeks out relics to dig up, and brings them back to the station to research them. Artifacts come in a number of tiers, from relics that are purely for flavor (to be placed in display cases or sold), to various levels of "useful" artifact that can be recovered to a functional state and used to help various station departments. Recovery is a major focus of the job - different types of artifacts will require different steps to recover, many of which may require interaction with other departments. There is also an emphasis on the different cultures that have inhabited Lavaland over the millennia, intentionally or otherwise - each will come with distinct types of artifacts to discover. ## Goals 1. Add interesting new content to Lavaland that isn't purely focused on fighting monsters and collecting loot. 2. Give Research an engaging new job that is less formulaic than every single science job that currently exists - there is a degree of randomness that should always keep things interesting rather than rote. 3. Inject unpredictability into the items available to the crew each round, as nothing from xenoarchaeology is guaranteed to be found. 4. Encourage cross-department interaction. Not only between Research and Mining, but with other jobs too (other departments can help activate artifacts, and artifacts can be given to other departments in turn). 5. Add fun and flavorful objects to discover that can be put on display to be seen even in future rounds. ## Non-Goals 1. Create another job that sits in a room alone or runs around on Lavaland for the entire round. A key point of the xenoarchaeologist should be interaction - working with miners on the planet, coming back to the station to do research, and regularly interacting with different members of the crew. Xenoarchaeology cannot be done by sitting in the same place all round, like genetics or xenobiology. 2. Have another "combat" job. The xenoarchaeologist will not be encouraged or equipped to kill their way across the mining levels, and instead will receive special equipment focused on defending themselves. Taking on megafauna, tumor bosses, or even tendrils will not be very feasible without the support of mining. 3. Create a reliable "metagame" around artifacts. Artifacts should be interesting and nice to have, but no one should rely on receiving a specific one on any given round - and xenoarchaeologists should not be relentlessly pursuing the same thing every time. 4. Flood the station with "gamer loot". Artifacts may sometimes be powerful and unique, but it should be difficult to activate more than a couple really good artifacts in any given round. It should not become too easy or formulaic to do so. 5. Render miners obsolete. Xenoarchaeologists should not be running around gathering lots of minerals for the station, and will not have easy access to the ORM or most mining gear. They can travel with miners if they want, and can pick up useful minerals they find, but their focus is on the artifacts. ## Xenoarchaeology System The xenoarchaeology system will be based on the existing system on the Skyrat codebase, though significantly changed and expanded on. The following is subject to changes. Xenoarcheology begins by digging up "strange rocks" on Lavaland or Icemoon. These rocks contain buried artifacts, but the artifacts must first be extracted. This is done by carefully hammering away the rock with specialized tools, and then brushing until the artifact is freed entirely. Artifacts exist at a certain depth within the rock - this depth must be reached through the use of these tools. Going too deep with a hammer will ruin the artifact, so care must be taken - fortunately, xenoarchaeologists have access to scanners to determine how deep they can safely dig. As research is completed, they can unlock better equipment, including more precise scanners and even an automated extraction machine. Once an artifact is safely extracted, it must be identified. This can be done slowly in the field with a special "magnifying glass" item, or can be done automatically with a machine in the xenoarchaeology lab. This will determine several things - the type of artifact, its "era", some clues to its effects, and some hints as to how to activate it. Not all of these are always applicable, as some artifacts simply exist for flavor and cannot be activated. Artifacts that require research can be placed into the "Artifact Researcher", a machine that can be used to subject artifacts to specific stimuli that may partially or fully activate them.