An AI system is a machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. Different AI systems vary in their levels of autonomy and adaptiveness after deployment.
More information about definitions of AI systems on OSI's blog.
Open Source has demonstrated that massive benefits accrue to everyone after removing the barriers to learning, using, sharing and improving software systems. These benefits are the result of using licenses that adhere to the Open Source Definition. For AI, society needs the same essential freedoms of Open Source to enable AI developers, deployers and end users to enjoy those same benefits: autonomy, transparency, frictionless reuse and collaborative improvement.
When we refer to a "system," we are speaking both broadly about a fully functional structure and its discrete structural elements. To be considered Open Source, the requirements are the same, whether applied to a system, a model, weights and parameters, or other structural elements.
An Open Source AI is an AI system made available under terms and in a way that grant the freedoms[1] to:
These freedoms apply both to a fully functional system and to discrete elements of a system. A precondition to exercising these freedoms is to have access to the preferred form to make modifications to the system.
The preferred form of making modifications to a machine-learning system is:
For machine learning systems,
The preferred form to make modifications to machine learning systems also applies to these individual components. “Open Source models” and “Open Source weights” must include the data information and code used to derive those parameters.
These freedoms are derived from the Free Software Definition. ↩︎
The Open Source AI Definition does not take any stance as to whether model parameters require a license, or any other legal instruments, and whether they can be legally controlled by any such instruments once disclosed and shared. ↩︎