OLS HackMD guide: How to work with this doc?
###### tags: `guide`
HackMD documents are collaborative documents (like a Google docs) where multiple people can write simultaneously. Open Life Science will use these documents for taking shared notes.
*Notice the panel on the top right - Click the **Edit** button*
*Now see this panel on the left of your screen, we have explained below how to use them*
*(opens in new tab)](https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T17H34RB2-F013NRJM8LU/image.png)*
* To edit this document click the pencil symbol (FIRST box in the top left hand corner - see the image below)
* To view this document rendered into nicely formatted version, click the eye symbol (SECOND box in the top left hand corner - see the image below)
* For this document we recommend using the double view (click on the symbol in between the pencil and eye symbols).
* You will be able to type in the left hand box and view the rendered version in the right hand box.
:pencil: Markdown for styling what you write!
This particular platform for collaborative documentation is called HackMD, where MD stands for Markdown.
Markdown is a nice and easy way to format a plain-text into publishable document.
By using simple syntax (mostly symbols) you can create rich formatting.
For example, use hash (#) (or multiple hashes) for creating headers.
# Header 1 (top header)
## Header 2 (second level header)
### Header 3 (third level header)
Use asterisk (*) followed by a blank space for creating bullet points:
* item 1
* item 2
Use numbers (1.,2.,3. etc.) followed by a blank space for numbered list:
1. item 1
2. item 2
Italics words and sentences can be written by using asterisk in the beginning and end of a word or sentence (without any space), like this:
*This is an italicised sentence*
* Use double asterisks (**) for **Bold** to **emphasise word and sentences*
* Use three asterisks for ***bold and italics in the same sentence***
**To add a web link:**
1. write a text in square brackets which you want to link out
2. add the link (URL) in the round brackets, like this: [Your text](your link)
* Example: [Markdown Cheatsheet](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet)
**To link to another part/section of the document**
1. write a text in square brackets which you want to link
2. in the round brackets, start with a hash symbol followed by the name of the header in the file you want to link to by Putting-a-line-between-all-words, like this: [your text](#your-header)
* Example: [What is this document for?](#What-is-this-document-for)
**To add images**
1. start with an exclamation mark
2. write an image title inside the square brackets
3. provide a web link for the image in the circular brackets, like this: ![Image title](web link to the image)
example: ![MarkDown Cheatsheet](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/da/1e/3f/da1e3fe735a1b115a8a6773e67d6d825.png)