## Description: Apache OpenDAL is a data access layer that allows users to easily and efficiently retrieve data from various storage services in a unified way. Its vision centers on enabling **access data freely**, with the goal of empowering ALL users to freely access ANY storage service in ANY way they choose. ## Project Status: Current project status: New Issues for the board: None ## Membership Data: - There are currently 22 committers and 16 PMC members in this project. - The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2. #### Community changes, past quarter: - Yang Shuai was added to the PMC on 2024-03-18 - Liuqing Yue was added to the PMC on 2024-01-22 - Yang Shuai was added as committer on 2024-01-23 ## Project Activity: The OpenDAL community is working on a huge refactor focused on simplifying the implementation and improving performance. We expect this to significantly simplify the maintenance and extension of opendal in the future. Meanwhile, the OpenDAL community is involved in GSoC and OSPP events. We've welcomed several new contributors, with one in particular actively participating. We see this individual as a potential new committer. ## Community Health: ### Mailing List dev@opendal.apache.org had a 26% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (167 emails compared to 223). This report is the first to exclude our discussion on graduation. Therefore, a decrease is expected. However, as the GSoC and OSPP events continue, we anticipate a slight increase in traffic. ### Contributors Since our last update, the OpenDAL community has integrated 66 pull requests across 526 files, thanks to the efforts of 16 contributors. Our total contributor count has now risen to 188, an increase of 2 from our previous report. Our contributor growth has stagnated, with no new committers nominated since the last report. The PMC has proposed several strategies to address this issue, and we are actively working on them. Our primary focus is to streamline the implementation. After these refinements, it will become significantly easier for newcomers to contribute.