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# Echtzeit Graffathon

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Two days. \// __\\________ / // \\_\\
Any platform. /\\_\\ \\// \\/ \\ \\_ \\/\\
*Beginners welcome!* \ // \\\ \\ \\ \__\ \\ \\
\_// \_// \_//\_/ \___/__/__/
20-21. August
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--> echtzeitkultur.org/projects/graffathon <--
A two-days hackathon for real-time graphics, with presentations strewn throughout. At the end of the **Graffathon**, all demos (max. 2 minute run-time) are shown, and attendees can give a score of :star: to :star::star::star::star::star: to each demo.
What do _Graffathons_ look like? We are inspired by the original Graffathon.fi that has taken place in Finland in past years, organized by students of Aalto University _(Photo: [@jtoikka](https://github.com/jtoikka/graffathon))_
For people who know the demoscene, a Graffathon is lot like a [sceneparty](https://www.bnz13.buenz.li/articles/lb_buenzli_13.gif), basically *just* the surprise compo. Please try to bring a laptop, though we will have some spare equipment. _(Photo: [Dixan](http://www.slengpung.com/v3_5/show_photo.php?id=8603&resolution=original), Bünzli 2013)_

We would like to encourage an open, cooperative, family-friendly and FUN atmosphere of learning and making! Similar to [Jugend Hackt](https://jugendhackt.org) events and other hackathons we helped with in the past. _(Photo: [Zürich 2017](https://jugendhackt.org/event-rueckblick/schweiz-2017/))_

The organizers are experienced educators. In 2021 we collaborated on a Processing workshop for [Open Education Day](https://hackmd.io/lX6WOoA-RwScPnR40B5VEg) and at Echtzeit started the [Pingala](https://www.echtzeitkultur.org/en/projects/pingala/) project to expand the reach of the demoscene. _(Photo: CC BY 4.0)_

Since 2016 we are running [Demonights](https://demonights.ch) and [PlayBern](http://playbern.ch) [Game Jams](https://blog.datalets.ch/078/), building up grassroots momentum and interest in real-time electronic arts and the demoscene in our local community. _(Photo: CC BY 4.0)_
We have set up a [dribdat](https://dribdat.cc) online platform (make.echtzeitkultur.org) for collecting resources and accelerating Graffathon teams. Of course we hope to also publish our production on demoscene sites like [Demozoo](https://demozoo.org).

We are counting on our local community to help us run our first Graffathon in Bern, backed by [Echtzeit Digitale Kultur](https://echtzeitkultur.org) and friends of the demoscene! Here is how you can join:
:admission_tickets: 1) Get a (free, [donations](https://www.echtzeitkultur.org/en/donations-and-membership/) welcome) ticket at [Eventfrog](https://eventfrog.ch/de/p/diverses/echtzeit-graffathon-2022-6941493788314349281.html)
:clipboard: 2) Visit the [Onboarding page](https://make.echtzeitkultur.org/project/8) for instructions and resources
:woman-walking: 3) Show up at [Erupt Lounge](https://www.erupt.ch/lounge/) on August 20 and 21, 2022.
:frame_with_picture: 4) See the our exhibit at the [PlayBern Festival](https://playbern.ch) on September 2-4.
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