# Hello, I'm }dribdat{
Why dribdat? :speak_no_evil:
##### _'cause I like to_
### :basketball: dribble _with_ data
## Who am I?
- Tool for awesome hackathons :rocket:
- Made in Python.swiss :snake: :triangular_flag_on_post:
- Open Source :open_hands:
- Open Data :open_file_folder:
In the perfect hackathon,
### everyone's a winner! :heart:
{%youtube QNHNjr50p74 %}
#### We've been hacking hackathons a while...
### ... in pursuit of fair co-(+re-)creation
#### ... with open data
#### ... and open hardware
### ... for a better climate
### ... for a more open future
### ... even just for a better grip
## I need your help!
with ...
#### ... kickstarting our new virtual society
#### ... re-imagining the user experience
#### ... re-thinking purposeful participation
#### ... addressing issues and ideas
#### ... getting all the data
![chart of projects and teams](https://opendata.utou.ch/presentations/open%20data%202013.2/images/projects-teams.png)
#### ... & hacking all the things!
### Wrap up
- Use **dribdat** for awesome hackathons :basketball:
- Let's **hack the hackathon** experience! :penguin:
- Fair cooperation + competition **FTW** :tada:
- There's more [on our plans here](https://hackmd.io/@oleg/r1LUA87gU) :eyes:
### :sheep: Thank you!
You can find me on
- https://dribdat.cc
- opencollective.com/dribdat
- github.com/hackathons-ftw
- twitter.com/dribdat
- dribdat@datalets.ch
<small>This presentation is shared under [CC BY 4.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)</small>
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