Question: how do we expect the search API to react to relationships between entities?
Negative Testing
The interop only has happy paths
We need to include tests that cover errors
Invalid requests
Overly large requests
Other testing
Via Search
Via Partial Evaluation
Generally we test "discretely".
Can Alice view item 123?
What if we wanted to test negatively?
Is there any way Alice can view item 123?
How can Alice NOT view item 123?
When Search and Partial Evaluation are out, we need to verify how they can help us build new tests.
Can we generate test cases from schemas?
If we know we have 5 roles and 10 object types and 3 actions, we could generate a matrix of tests. This is somewhat outside the scope of AuthZEN for now.
Discovery Endpoint
We need to start working on the discovery endpoint (See roadmap)
Security Testing
Alex (Indykite) talked to the OIDF security test folks at OSW
Hi All, So Tim, Pedram and i just had a chat, the conclusion of which was that since AuthZen is just essentially a payload format for a communication protocol, there is no inherent security risk to consider. Whatever security testing would be performed would actually test the communication fwk, not really Authzen itself. Ralf will provide the final answer and follow-up, just wanted to keep this thread updated with the latest. Cheers, Alex
Ralf later confirmed
a security analysis of Authzen does not seem to make sense.
And Gail confirmed we're good to proceed to standardization.
deny_on_first_deny and permit_on_first_permit examples are cumbersome #250
We need to restructure the response format because at the moment the response size is not guaranteed given we return all the decisions that were hit. In fact we should either return MAX, the number of decisions that correspond to the # of boxcarred requests, or just 1 (the overriding decision)
The aforementioned example is flawed. This forces the PEP to iterate through all the answers to figure out false is the right answer because it came from deny_on_first_deny.
Next steps: schedule breakout sessions to go over the other issues
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