# Meeting Notes 2024-05-07 ## Attendees 👉 Add your names here @omri Steve Venema @alexbabeanu David Hyland Jeff Broberg Jamie Lin Victor Lu Alex Olivier @davidbrossard ## Agenda - Identiverse update - Copperfield 8, 10am - 3pm, May 28 - see OIDF calendar at openid.net/calendar - Readout session?? - Interop session on the agenda?? - Who is doing a press release on their participation? - Kelly from Axio will coordinate a joint press release - EIC update - Allan - do we have a room for interop at EIC? - SG1 status / prioritization - Boxcar dicussion continued ## Notes What needs to be true for us to declare a first "implementer's draft"? Candidates for inclusion: * Boxcarring * Utilizing the context mechanism to define profiles for advice/obligations * Search APIs (subject search, resource search) ## Decisions ==> We all agree that the current Evaluation API is sufficient to be able to declare as an implementor's draft 1! ## Action items * Editors: Refactor the current API spec to remove everything other than (single) Evaluation API * Subgroup 1 (SG1) will focus on context and advice / obligations. This won't be part of Implementers Draft 1. * Current volunteers: Steve, Eve, David H, Roland, Alex, Adam Rusbridge * Subgroup 2 (SG2) will focus on boxcarring. This won't be part of Implementers Draft 2. * Current volunteers: David, Omri, Alex O, Steve V * David will ping Heather and Andi about Identiverse - interop read-out panel - is this going to be on the agenda? * David will also ask Heather why not have the interop event on the IDV agenda?