Notes & Principles for a Simple PEP-PDP API
- Keep transport and message separate
- The spec for what a request/response should look like should be decoupled from the underlying transport (HTTP or anything else)
- As a result, nothing in the transport layer conveys any authZ meaning whatsoever
a. For instance, 401/403 are indications you cannot use the authorization service. They don't convey anything about the request you sent or what the PDP (in the broad sense) would have said
- Propose a first iteration of request/response that focuses exclusively on the easy "binary" yes/no use case
- No additional statements/obligations/advice
- No batch
- No search
- Propose a model that is largely attribute-based (where an attribute is a key-value pair)
- Propose a model that follows the ALFA Subject/Action/Resource/Environment or the Cedar Principal/Action/Resource/Context
- Publish the results using a standardized schema
- In the WS-* days of yore, it would have been WSDL
- Propose a fully-decoupled REST binding for the initial interop
- The HTTP REST codes do not convey AuthZ meaning
- A successful invocation returns 200
- 401/403 means the client with which you authenticated to the 'PDP' isn't authorized/allowed to use the endpoint
- Propose an 'extended' REST binding
5. Gabriel: propose a configurable binding whereby the PDP returns 200 or 403 based on the decision itself (Permit/Deny)
Suggested Initial Design
Request proposal
- Made up of 4 objects of the same type (e.g. Category to use ALFA parlance):
- Subject, Action, Resource, Context
- If these objects are arrays of the said type, then we are paving the way for batch requests
- Each of these objects contains an array of attributes e.g. key-value pairs
- The attributes could be primitive types e.g. string, double, boolean
- The attributes could be complex e.g. a JSON payload e.g. structures from
The response should simply be the decision itself:
- Permit/Deny
- Again, if we want to plan ahead and think of batch requests then the response should be an array rather than an object.
- Optionally the list of identifiers of things (policies) used in the decision-making process