[Hook] There's no way to hide it But there's no need to cry. There's no way to make it. So say it with a smile. There's no way to hold it, these feelings that I bear, So please listen to me in the littlest time that I could spare. 沒有必要去隱藏 也沒有必要流淚 沒有辦法伸手觸及 所以用微笑釋然 沒有辦法承受 這些盛滿的情緒 所以請在我僅剩的微末時間裡 聽我訴說 [Verse] I had a dream. I know I said it too many times Under the moonbeam, for sure, in each and every rhyme. They told me wishing out loud would stop it from coming true. But I wanna shout it out when the sky's so blue. 我有個夢 說了太多次的夢 在月亮的微光下 也在每一個旋律裡 他們說開口許願會阻止願望成真 但我想在湛藍的天空下大聲說出 Guess I embraced the looks. I wasn't born for spotlight. My face in books, tried too hard to be bright. "There's tests to ace, no space for a myth. Melodies on a stage? Not my place to begin with." 我想我接受了事實 生來就不是該站在聚光燈下的那種人 書中的那個我 為了閃耀而拚盡全力 "那是給鑽石的試驗 沒有璞玉的機會 舞台上的旋律? 不該是我的起始點" Reminds me of the rainbow with an opportunity. Gave me time for a show. Ooh, knees weak arms were heavy! I ran downstairs begging. The network wasn't connecting while my stream was just ringing keikaku doori. 讓我想起乘著彩虹而來的某個機會 給了我一場秀的時間 膝蓋發軟而手臂沉重* *後句此處引用Eminem"Lose yourself"歌詞,在訴說那個自己僅有的機會* 我跪地祈求 而連線失敗 同時直播裡依然響徹著計劃順利(計画通り)* *這邊說的是Ejak出道時的網路爛掉於是衝下樓找他妹要網路的故事w* Even now those memories, constantly playing like how, fine reveries still get me smiling. it's way out of my age to be daydreaming. After a bow, on a stage, I could see myself singing. 即使現在 那些不斷播放的回憶 就像美好的遐想,依然讓我微笑 我早已不適該做白日夢的年紀了 鞠躬謝幕後 我仍能看見自己在舞台上唱著歌 [Hook] There's no way to hide it But there's no need to cry. There's no way to make it. So say it with a smile. There's no way to hold it, these feelings that I bear, So please listen to me in this little time that I could spare. 沒有必要去隱藏 也沒有必要流淚 沒有辦法伸手觸及 所以用微笑釋然 沒有辦法承受 這些盛滿的情緒 所以請在我僅剩的微末時間裡 聽我訴說 [Verse] Enough with wishes I've churned, now for the things I found, A bunch of people taking turns within a 6-second round. How to explain? Well one-by-one, it would be. Prepare your brain. This one son is kinda cheesy. 說夠了翻騰的願望 現在說說那些我發現的 有一群人要在六秒內輪番上陣 從何說起? 那就一個個來吧 準備好你的大腦 這部分有點隱晦 There's this one idol with a killer harmony, Murata Keshi, and a coffee addicted buddy. Motherly penguin and the devil come in two. There's awan's old friend. I guess now he's mine too. 有個這樣一個偶像 她的和聲很有殺傷力(Zea)、 [Murata Keshi](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/161s713/respect_keshi_the_god_of_stationery_shops/)和一個咖啡成癮患者(Taka+Hana)、 母性光輝氾濫的企鵝兼惡魔(Amicia) 還有一個Awan的老朋友 他現在也是我的朋友了(Rai) There's an otter who's obsessed with peace and her alien friend who is so fun to tease. A tiger princess kinda became my best buddy I guess the historian is still my oshi. 有個愛好和平的水獺(Miyu) 和她那個很好開玩笑的外星人朋友(Azura) 一位老虎公主成了我的好夥伴(Nara) 而歷史學家依然是我的偶像(Layla) Now, now, don't get me fully started on The lion, the fish, the hero who transforms A ghost, an alchemical musical master, and the panther whose character is the literal best girl 等等 現在 還別讓我扯開話題 還有一頭獅子、一隻魚、和一個可以變身的英雄(Siska+Bonnivier+Etna) 一個鬼魂和出神入化的樂器大師(Mika+Xia) 和一個性格很好的豹女孩(Hyona) My dear sister, she studies the magia Neko kati abrakadabra komia tomia. Mangosteen, so evil, in your sleep, she be creepin'. She's the mean spawn of devil with the cutest little grin. 我親愛的妹妹 她研究著魔法 [Neko kati abrakadabra komia tomia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rc0nnzxeIng)(Derem) 在你的睡夢中蔓生的邪惡山竹 她是惡魔的後代,卻有著最可愛的笑容(Nagisa) Even now those memories, constantly playing like how, fine reveries still get me smiling. it's way out of my age to be daydreaming. After a bow, on a stage, I could see myself singing. 即使現在 那些不斷播放的回憶 就像美好的遐想,依然讓我微笑 我早已不適該做白日夢的年紀了 鞠躬謝幕後 我能看見自己在舞台上唱著歌 [Hook] There's no way to hide it But there's no need to cry. There's no way to make it. So say it with a smile. There's no way to hold it, these feelings that I bear, So please listen to me in this little time that I could spare. 沒有必要去隱藏 也沒有必要流淚 沒有辦法伸手觸及 所以用微笑釋然 沒有辦法承受 這些盛滿的情緒 所以請在我僅剩的微末時間裡 聽我訴說 There's no way to hide it But there's no need to cry. There's no way to make it. So say it with a smile. There's no way to hold it, these feelings that I bear, So please listen to me in the littlest time that we have shared. 沒有必要去隱藏 也沒有必要流淚 沒有辦法伸手觸及 所以用微笑釋然 沒有辦法承受 這些盛滿的情緒 所以,請在我們共同度過的最短暫的時光裡聽我說 引用參考: 1. https://twitter.com/triyukii/status/1698004193309835526\ 人名對應(原推已刪除) 2. https://pastebin.com/5ypGCaem 歌詞全文 3. https://beckyxmaggie.pixnet.net/blog/post/326683045-eminem lose yourself 中文歌詞翻譯 4. 感謝貓毛支援出道小故事補充<3 5. 這位的留言處也有一些歌詞猜測QWQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAfgbKyy8QU