Table of Contents: Nushell Hackmd # Current Working Documents * [Command Spring Cleaning]( * [Dataframes/Polars Roadmap]( * [Plugin commands (`register` replacement) proposal](/lG8T5nTETaGuHO4GgFKK_w) * [Milestones for 1.0]( * [Release process for 0.90]( * [Refactoring menus](/uhN_y4wkSwy7DS-N8oVIkA) * [Stabilization policy considerations](/TpRSgZmHSdeBfHG3WMP2og) * [Bullet ownership](/z28xTn7LQGG8wsrIkTWsEw) * [uutils / coreutils crawl, walk, run spreadsheet]( * [Nushell + Uutils = ❤️](/_0mc2tvSSSOzytSf5y2yiw) * [uutils/ coreutils]( * [Our Rust style](/3ZHxHzxQTYC754nsbaZbwQ) * [Stabilized Commands for Nushell 1.0]( * [Reaching a nu phase in development - The road from 0.82 to 1.0](/N8pSK-JaRQ-BIfECg4dzkA) * [taxonomy of errors in nushell](/RzY-4hEdSlO1LxE0e-amqw) * [Cratification Documents]( * [Commands and Dependencies Spreadsheet]( * [Nushell Config System ideas](/NfBoTWUeQhOTXoeKra437A) * [explore command changes](/TUF_dERPTz6yL_tAqZ8Q2Q) * [Nushell design philosophy](/E9y30O8hS4qa17wPuIij1g) * [Nu Language Guide](/hLTipwOaR2K28GzwHrtVGQ) * [Quoting](/yBEUx4czTMuHcTICt-xZAA) * [Types and Overloading](/izohHejpS-iNZ6iXz2Clig) * [v0.80 Plugin Installation+Registry](/iLnn_16kR3i6r_bR_WQTGQ) * [Kubouch Benchmarking doc]( * [Kubouch How Nushell Code Gets Run](/lIO4qCPSSDyIgWxpkG1pMw) * [Quoting & Expansion](/zscFik8RRp6uh_CRWUEWqg) * [Documentation Notes]( # References * [2023 Nushell Weekly Team Meeting Archive](/6i_83gK2TpqT3wRujwMS8Q) * [Core Team Rules & Guidelines](/AF1I2ihBRE6_3ZkBU0U1Iw) * [Engine-r wishlist](/8MN03nrJTxKxN_id0mETkQ) * [Pillars of Nu](/HOYbgsN9QmiOkIK9WY_6uQ) * [The Module Environment Overhaul](/L0OKeubaRz2yve6K-F5ISw) * [20k Club Announcement](/iSilzFWOQnW6zS85k9LAIw) * [Release Process Notes](/V6ynzOHKSseaIpfWGvugOA) * [HackMD Tutorial Book](/3L0F8p77QueY1YIq-3e-fg) # Marketing and Publicity *This is a list of our github repos where we show off nushell to the world* * [awesome-nu]( * [showcase]( # Nushell Survey * [Nushell Survey 2023]( * [Nushell Survey 2023 Responses]( * [Nushell Survey 2023 Preliminary Brainstorming](/0QVU5lGARrOqBC_jkRW91g)