# Nushell core team meeting 2024-04-24 ## Attendees - Darren - Michael - Antoine - Devyn - Ian - Andy - Wind ## Agenda - [x] Any issues with the plugin updates? The msgpackz file, `plugin add`, `plugin use`, etc. - [x] Ok to proceed with lazy record removal ([#12622](https://github.com/nushell/nushell/issues/12622))? - Warning message for 0.93 - Removal in 0.94 - [x] ls behavior with glob patterns is surprising ([#12641](https://github.com/nushell/nushell/issues/12641)) - [x] Range values are inclusive but `bytes at` and `str substring` are exclusive at the end bound. ## Discussed Topics ## Issues > :bulb: the issues which [needs-core-team-attention](https://github.com/nushell/nushell/labels/needs-core-team-attention) ### Plugin Update Working well. $nu.plugin-path converted flawlessly for all who answered. Still want to have `to msgpackz`/`from msgpackz` to make working with plugin registry easier. We need to keep working on the TUI plugin scenarios. We need to have a minimalistic plugin in our repo that we can test TUI scenarios. The current testing is with amtoine's nu_plugin_explore and it launches but fails randomly sometimes with `tick` or `q` or other keybindings. ### Completions Bug ``` touch a.txt rm a.<tab> # no records found ``` Tests already exist for external completers, not sure if there are any for internal completions. ### Lazy Record Removal Let's remove it. Deprecate it for 0.93.0 and then removal in the next release. `sys` - darren suggested just revert it to the way it was and then we can go from there. ### startup hook Seems fixed for startup-times with `| collect {}` or setting to a variable. amtoine found another issue related to `from ndjson`/`to ndjson` and he will be filing an issue with it. ### Ls glob We're looking for input on issue 12641 on what "right" looks like for nushell, regardless of what it does in bash. ### Ranges Current syntaxes: `0..10` (inclusive end), `0..=10` (inclusive end), `0..<10` (exclusive end). * make range work like rust so, `0..10` in the repl would print from 0 up to and including 9. * make commands with range params work like rust > :bulb: **Note** > to list all the PRs currently [opened in `nushell/nushell`](https://github.com/nushell/nushell/pulls): > ```nu > gh pr list --json url,number,author,title > | from json > | each {|i| > $"- [($i.number)]\(($i.url)\) ($i.title) \(@($i.author.login)\)" > } > | reverse > | to text > ```