# Rust Bitcoin Summit
## day 1
### rust-bitcoin
- stop at rust-bitcoin 0.32
- bdk 2.0 -> rust-bitcoin 0.33.0 -> primitives
- look into compat crate
- bindings into bitcoindevkit for rust-bitcoin
- all of them
#### #lookingforhelp
- support for simd ChaCha20-Poly1305 and bitcoin hashes
- async http (minreq fork?) no unicode optional async, openssl and rustls, low dependencies, system native ideally
- CVE rust-miniscript soon
- fixing CVE rust-bitcoin back to 0.29
- pure rust version of verification stuff kiks
- invert secp traits for impl by default prod or other secp c or non-c
- code size discussion
- public key error issue
- context generic maybe issue, will try making dyn
- is trait object self, needs to be checked
## day 2
### BDK
- feature requests
- labels
- events
- cpfp example
- checkin Cargo.lock at releases for dep audits
- deeper dive with Mammal
- adding wallet name for loadparams ie. postgres
- fee rate check for not over paying
- use rust-bitcoin psbt and remove signing from wallet
- vectorized sigs ie. from ledger into psbt
- migrate old pre 1.0 wallet last given index
- tnull better light client protocol?
- handle submit package
- more efficient
- previous outputs
- get chain tip to handle reorgs
- neutrum server? evan
- use ohttp for proxy
- bandwidth compare/analysis for cbf vs espora/electrum
- rust-bitcoin-maintainers tools
- check linux kernel maintainers file bip32 psbt
- or owners file
- Rob Anchorwatch
- re: unspendable tapkey, ok to just use the one in the spec
- Hunter Beast
- BitMask
- Thunder docs
- glossary
- unifi
- deterministic builds
- with nix https://github.com/ipetkov/crane ?
- nix tool https://github.com/ipetkov/crane
- HunterBeast
- how to handle loss of TransactionDetails
- needs single descriptor wallet
## day 3
### LDK
- Matt recommends lib fuzzer
- for BDK should focus on chain crate reorgs & balance calc
- question about internal vs no internal descriptor {0;1}
- dnssec_prover talk bip-353
- try satsto.me https://satsto.me/ and twelve.cash https://twelve.cash
- try opensrs https://opensrs.com/
- try phoenix.me
- TXT record <username or *>.user._bitcoin-payment.<domain> data is bip21 URI
- Frost tutorial
- secp256kfun
- proptesting vs fuzz testing
- utxo.club
## day 4
### Fedimint
- https://github.com/aleph-zero-foundation/AlephBFT
- asset liability modules
- using rocksdb links to native lib
- question/todo check for 64 bit address merkle tree issue
- question about onchain deposit script with timeout/return condition
- version 5 allowing better upgrade support
- stabilitypool 3rd party module
- nonce custom guess module?
- mprocs frontend devimint env
- social recovery hash video used by gardians to restore
- fedimint/CODEOWNERS
## Day 5
- Payjoin cli
- v2 cli demo
- https://ishaana.com/blog/wallet_fingerprinting/
- Cashu Rust + Payjoin
- mint cli creates payjoin proposal
- tokens B version uses cbor
- uses BDK onchain wallet
- Retro for this week
- thanks Jose bbq, Park hosting, Spiral food, Fedi social night
- tab conf , before next year in 2025
- week is too much, 3 days better
- scheduled hacking time, hacker garden?
- socratic prep
- hackaton?
- social night
- how to do more coding
- how to do sizing? projects vs people? but teams coming together is important.
- need to organize volunteers
- likes size around this 30 ppl
- senior ppl prefered but teams should be able to bring new folks
- TABConf good for bigger groups and training new folks
- foss month in April projects welcome to come to the park
- steve: make daily name tags
- steve: line up volunteers in advance for setup, cleanup and to organize social events, running hackathon
- steve: pre-schedule podcast recording day/time
- Kyoto
- demo with swift app sync
- transport options like http, tor
- needs work on peer selection
- Liana rust HWI library??
- https://cryptoquick.com/files/BitMask-RGB-v2.pdf
- VLS + ValidiTEE
- OP-TEE with ARM TrustZone (A arch only) coretexA
- Rockchip 3399 / Radxa Rock4 SBC
- Can work without Secure Element, Some may have one
- Citadel Dispatch with Matt and Kodi
- https://serve.podhome.fm/episodepage/CitadelDispatch/cd136-rust-bitcoin-summit-with-poelstra-harding-myers-corallo-and-more
- Nick discussion
- FediMints Desktop
- dioxus https://dioxuslabs.com/
- cross-platform
- Bitcoin Safe
- desktop wallet
- wizard for setup
- great wallet seed sheet
- nostr integration, co-signer chat
- future CBF
- categories for tx data
- Arti
- sqlite dependency with MSRV issues
- supports clearnet and onion services
- in future will allow hosting private service
- need new HTTP client
- need apps to be generic over data streams
- lots of tor crates + tokio + std
- Nix with DPC
- how the language works
- derivation
- maybe home manager for user daemon management