Try   HackMD

14-20 August 2023

This week I have been focusing on further reviewing literature as well as diving deep into two zk-rollups, Scroll and Taiko. I have been reviewing docs, blog posts, Github, research documents, talks published by the project teams and collected information on the architecture, sequencer and prover models, reward and fee structure etc., and prepared a lot of notes.

I have reached out to both project teams (Swagtimus and Toghrul from Scroll, Lisa from Taiko) to gather more information any differences in the testnet and theirupcoming mainnet designs.



Besides protocol research we have started to collect materials and ideas on an optimal prover model, and to draft a framework to which I have been actively contributing.

We have had fruitful discussions with Nilu and Rachit, shared our findings and discussed steps and actions for the coming days.

Next week: continue protocol research also including Linea, review materials related to crypto-economics and rollup economics again (RIG Open Problems #3), work on the framework for an optimal prover model.